Chapter 2: Encountered

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The boat was back.

It had been weeks since that fateful night, and I had almost put the whole thing behind me. Today, however, it returned, its glossy golden bottom shining like a beacon. My duties and the need to keep any encounter a secret meant that I couldn't go right to it, and I watched it all day, fearing it would leave. To my delight, twilight fell, the surface of the sea burning in the glow of the setting sun, and the boat remained.

I waited for the last of the Mer to fall asleep, imagining my next encounter to pass the time. Would the man I had saved be there? Would he have others with him? What did they want? Looking around, I noticed that I was the last one awake. I eased away from the pod and headed for the surface. A surge of nerves left me lightheaded.

The starry ship lights ship shone brightly again, but there was no colorful pulsing. At a safe distance, my head cleared the water half expecting the ship to be full of humans again. It appeared to be empty.

My brows creased. I swam closer, all of my senses on alert. My pulse quickened as my mind churned with the awful possibilities.

I was nearly ready to abandon my curiosity, when I heard a man's voice. It came from the stern, and I followed it like a sailor drawn to a siren's call. As the man came into view, his back to me, I recognized his crop of sandy hair. He sat on the floor of the rear deck, brown bottles strewn around.

"Where are you?" he shouted, voice harsh and unsteady. He took an empty bottle in his hand, turned it upside down, and then threw it into the ocean. It landed with a clunk and began sinking. I watched its descent for a moment, a mischievous grin crossing my face.

I darted downward, careful not to splash. Bottle retrieved, I resurfaced next to the deck, making sure the man didn't see or hear me. I threw the bottle onto the deck, a soft giggle escaping my lips.

"What the . . ." The man jumped up, scrambling away from the bottle.

I bit my curving lips as I watched. The man bent over and picked up the wet bottle, jaw hanging open. His head shot up as he scanned the inky water.

"Heeeere mermaid, mermaid, mermaid." The man's words slurred as he spoke, eyes shining. Unable to contain myself any longer, laughter rang out in the brisk night air and I swam into view. He blinked, eyes focusing on my bobbing head, and a curious smile spread across his face.

"I knew you were real," he whispered, the words carried across the water. He spoke again, louder this time, and with an awkward lilt. "My buddies said I was just drunk, but I knew better. I saw you. You saved me." He pointed at me, punctuating his words with his extended finger.

The man approached, pausing here and there to get his balance. My heart beat so strongly that I imagined it created ripples. He rolled his pants up to his knees, and sat on the edge bare feet dangling in the water. I could touch him from here. Those beautiful feet were tempting.

"Sooo, now what?" the man asked, his feet churning the water. "I had hoped to find you again, but I didn't really think about what I would do if I did."

I pursed my lips as I watched. His eyes were drooping, head bobbing toward his chest. Was he going to sleep? Perhaps I had made a mistake in coming here.

I turned to leave when the man's head jerked up. He erupted in laughter, but it stopped abruptly when his legs went stiff. He cursed, pounding on his thighs with frightening venom. I backed away, eyes wide.

One leg kicked, and the man fell off the edge of the deck. I gasped. Could he really be drowning again? If I let him this time, it would erase everything I'd done. I dismissed the thought and dove after him.

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