Chapter 7: Exposed

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THE DAYS MARCHED ONWARD, and I was no closer to finding a way out. I asked Vince about the woman I saw. He found her and paid her to delete the picture she took, asking that she never tell anyone about what she saw. He took her off the staff as well, fearing she might be tempted to return and take another picture. I feared it wouldn't be enough, but Vince assured me that money could buy anything, including silence.

After a week, Vince made plans for us to walk around the estate. We had the whole place to ourselves, since all but the security staff were gone for the day. I decided to let him do this for me. If he wasn't going to take me home, then at least he could let me see land.

Vince rolled my tank out of the back door onto a large patio. "I'm afraid it will be a bit of a bumpy ride. Let me know if it gets to be too much."

The scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers floated on a warm breeze. Roses curtsied and ornamental grasses swayed like the reef in a current. The fresh air was glorious after being cooped up for so long, but I missed the smell of brine.

We walked in the garden for a while. Vince pointed out a butterfly as it fluttered past us, and the birds that sang from the top of the brick wall that surrounded the estate.

Afterwards, we came back to the patio and sat there, enjoying the beautiful afternoon.

"How do you live like this?" I asked, playing with the pink rose Vince had picked for me.

"What do you mean?"

"It's like you live in this elaborate cage. You're hemmed in by houses and walls. You have this whole world of land to travel and explore, and yet you spend your days here."

Vince shrugged. "I wouldn't want to leave you alone."

"Before I was here, though, what did you do?"

Vince scratched his nose. "I dunno. My disease keeps me from doing too much. I hate being out in public when I have one of my episodes."

I plucked a petal and dropped it in the water where it floated on the surface like a miniature boat. "I guess we're both kind of caged. I didn't have walls before, but I was too afraid to leave my pod or disobey my elders. I've always wanted to see land, but it took you kidnapping me to get here."

"Kidnapping is such a harsh term."

"But it's true." I stared at Vince, and he began fidgeting, looking away.

I sighed, focusing again on the rose. If I was being honest, I think I kind of hoped he would bring me to land so that I wouldn't be responsible for leaving or breaking the rules. Not that he needed to know that.

A bird soared overhead, singing a cheerful tune. He looked free. Maybe I should have wished for wings instead of land.

Vince leaned forward in the patio chair. His head was down, elbows on his knees as he played with a piece of grass he had plucked.

"I'm sorry, Skye," Vince said, his voice soft and vulnerable. "I shouldn't have tricked you."

"No. You shouldn't have." My finger skimmed the water, the surface tension pushing back. "You know, I don't think I'll ever be happy here. I'm not meant to be caged, and that's all the tank is. I'm not safe here. The maid has already proven that. So, if you're not going to force me to perform for your dad, why won't you just let me go home?"

Vince's shoulders slumped and he leaned back in the chair. Had I said too much? He was my only way out, and my only lifeline as long as I stayed. What would happen to me if he decided that I was no longer worth protecting?

Standing up, he whisked me inside, wearing a determined look.

Back in my room, he deposited me into the big tank. "I promise I'll get you home," he whispered before I slid beneath the water.

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