Chapter 12: Astounded

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AFTER I BROUGHT ALL MY BAGS TO the cabin, I went to the back deck and waited for Vince to surface. It wasn't long before his sandy head popped out of the water.

"Hey, Skye! You look good. How was your shopping trip?"

"It was nice. Exhausting, but nice."

"Yeah. Kelly will wear you out if you let her. Did you like her?"

"She was nice," I said, my smile fading a little.

"What?" Vince asked as he hopped onto the deck, situating himself on a towel. I grabbed his arms, dragging him to the pool. It was an awkward arrangement, but it was the only way I could help him across the deck.

He slid into the pool, and I sat on the rim, pulling my dress to my knees so that it wouldn't get wet. I wore the same dress Kelly brought me that morning. She said it looked better on me anyway.

"So, what's wrong?" Vince asked again.

I sighed. "Nothing. I just— I think Kelly likes you."

Vince laughed. "Tell me something new."

I tugged on a curl. "Don't you care? If you keep your tail, you'd never see her again."

Vince shrugged. "She's nice, but I've never thought of her that way."

"You kissed her."

"Yeah, and I was drunk when I did it. What's this all about, anyway?" Vince leaned back, staring at me.

My heart caught in my throat. Why did I care? Was it really about trying to convince him to stay on land, or was there something else?

I shook my head. "It's nothing. I just want to make sure you know what you'd be giving up to keep that tail."

Vince grinned, leaning forward. "Oh, is that all?"

I blushed, looking away.

"How about you? What would you be giving up to stay on land?"


"Really? No family or friends . . . or boyfriends?"

"No. My parents died when I was thirteen, and though I love the Mer in my pod, I never got close to any of them. Besides, I couldn't go back, even if I wanted to." I rubbed my arm, shivering as the wind gusted by.

"I'm sorry."

We listened to the sloshing water for a while, staring at the stars. The sea would always be a part of me, no matter what form I took. I didn't know what tomorrow evening would bring, but I didn't want to risk going back without fulfilling a life-long dream.

I pulled on a curl, swishing my feet in the water. "Vince?"


"Is there any way you could get me to land? Like, real land, with trees and flowers and grass and dirt."

"Of course! Bring me my cell phone and I'll arrange it with Hank. You can go first thing in the morning and be back in plenty of time to meet with Francine."

"Thanks." I sighed. "I don't want to talk to that nasty reporter, but I suppose that's why I got legs in the first place."

"You know, you could skip the interview. We could swim away together and no one would know where we were or what happened to us."

I shook my head. "No. I have to do the interview to keep my people safe. Besides, I want to keep these legs, remember?"

Vince pulled his lips in, watching me as I stood.

"Well, I should go get your phone and turn in for the night."

"Skye?" Vince called as I crossed the deck.

I stopped, turning to face him. "Yeah?"

"You can keep your legs."

My jaw dropped. Was he really going to give up his tail that easy? "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. They look pretty good on you, and you kind of deserve them."

"Wow . . . Thanks!"

I skipped away, my heart fluttering. I wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight.

THE NEXT MORNING WAS BETTER than the last. I was up with the sunrise, and sat by the pool, watching the colors bloom.

It wasn't long before Phil arrived to dock the boat. Once ashore, Hank met me, driving a sleek black car, and I was on my way to the park. I hated that Vince had to swim alone again today, but at least it would be the last time.

At the park, I took my shoes off. The pale pink ballet flats were comfortable, but I wanted to feel the cool grass between my toes. Crisp green grass and leaves were offset by rich brown trees and soft gray stone paths. A circular fountain thrust streams of water through the air, catching sunlight and casting rainbows. A clean, earthy scent filled my nose, sharp tangy notes underneath.

Emotion welled up as I took it all in, and I took off, sprinting through the park. The wind caught my dress, the fabric pressing into my body, flapping edges tickling my arms and neck. I could only imagine what the humans thought as I sped by, their faces contorted in various expressions, ranging from disapproval to amusement.

Exhausted, I dropped to the ground, rolling over to see the sky. It seemed bluer than ever, birds soaring by all atwitter.

Laying there panting, I laughed. This was what humanity was. This is what I had dreamed of. I hadn't experienced the whole world yet, but I had time. I wanted to visit all those amazing pictures on the internet. I wanted to feel every sensation, drink in every scent.

I just had to get that reporter out of the way first.

Rolling over, I attempted to stand, but my legs stiffened. Why did this keep happening? I thought I had mastered my limbs, but apparently I needed a little more time.

As the muscles relaxed, I stretched my legs, bending my ankles and knees.

"Do you need help?" a man asked. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet.

I laughed, brushing the dirt and grass off. "Thanks. Not sure what happened there."

"You probably got a cramp. Happens to me all the time when I start trying to exercise. Not that you look like you're dressed for it, or need to."

The man smiled, dark hair falling in his twinkling eyes. He looked to be my age, the black suit he wore adorned by a bright blue tie. He stared at me, and I blushed.

"Thanks. I just love all the grass."

"Me too, though I don't usually go running through it. My name's Roger." He held out his hand and I took it.

"I'm Skye."

"Nice to meet you, Skye. So, do you come to the park often?"

"No. It's my first time here. You?"

"Every day for lunch, which is what I'm getting ready to do now. Want to join me?"

I glanced at Hank, who gestured to his watch. "I can't. I have somewhere I've got to be."

"That's too bad. Do you think I might see you tomorrow?"

I smiled. "I'd say there's a pretty good chance."

"Well, then it was nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you, too." I waved as I bounded away. Land just got a little better.

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