Chapter 8: Endangered

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"SKYE?" A DISTANT VOICE SAID, and I struggled to respond.

"Skye? Can you hear me? Say something. Please."

My lids fluttered, the blinding light forcing them closed again. A wave of cool water washed over me. My strength started to return, and I found enough to open my eyes. Vince's face came into focus, his warm arms cradling me.

"I have to get home," I whispered, trying to push away from him, but I was still too weak. "You can't stop me. You can't use me for whatever—"

Vince nodded, pulling me closer. "Hey, it's okay. I'm taking you home. I just have to get you patched up. What happened?"

I stopped struggling and closed my eyes. The memory of the shattering tank flooded my mind. "I . . . It was me."

"When I saw all the blood, I thought . . ."

A shudder went down my spine, and I curled up, groaning.

Vince cursed. "You need water. Let me put you in the tank."

"I can't go back in there."

"Just until you feel better."

"No." I looked up at Vince, pleading. I wasn't safe here anymore. Surely he had to know that. I was afraid if I went back in, it would be too late.

Vince dropped his head, then nodded. "Just stay right there." He laid me back on the floor, running out of the room. He was back in a flash, carrying several towels. After soaking them in the big tank, he placed them on top of me. It stung for a moment as it hit my wounds, but the water soothed the overwhelming itch.

"What about those nasty gashes? I don't know how to fix it, and you're too weak to go back in the ocean. Should I get a doctor or something?"

"No. No more humans. Just get me to the ocean." My strength was slowly returning, heightening my determination. I had to try to fix things.

Vince tensed, but then sighed, shoulders sagging. "Yeah. Okay. I can do that."

He gathered me in his arms, rippling muscles straining against the combined weight of me and the wet towels. I clung to his neck, resting my head on his shoulder.

"We'll take the limo. Hank will have to drive it, but he won't be able to see you through the privacy screen, and no one can see through the windows, so you should be safe."

"Mmmm hmmmmm," I said, eyes closing. My mother's lullaby popped into my mind again. Many of the Mer believed one day the Sea King would forgive us and restore us to human form. If I could just reach him, maybe he would give us legs. I had to find him, no matter the cost. It was my only hope.


"Yes, Vince?"

"I admit I've been an idiot, but I never wanted those photos leaked to the media. That was all my dad. Rosy told him about the photos and he had a tech guy pull them off her phone. He wants you for his fundraising campaigns. I told him to go to hell."

"Thanks. Any chance my people will survive this?"

"Well, it's just a picture. I might be able to convince people it's a fake."

I looked at him as he carried me. His jaw was set, and he wore a look of grim determination. "Why now?"

"What do you mean?"

"All this time you've held on to me, even after you promised to bring me home. Now, you're taking me back to the ocean. I have to wonder if you're being honest, and if so, what changed?"

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