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Leaves rustled as the cold wind blew past the forest and into the unknown. Aside from the noises the trees made, it was dead silent. Not one chirp can be heard. I tried my best to minimize any sound I'd make as I walk through the forest.

With leaves crunching down under my heavy and worn-out boots, I could feel shoulders slowly slumping down, fatigue finally taking over me. I was dead tired but I have to keep walking as I need to look for a safe place to rest and maybe—just maybe- sleep.

Well, in this world, there's technically no safe place anymore.

It's hard living in this world. I wonder what happened. Weeks (or maybe even months, I don't know anymore) ago, I woke up and then BAM! The world was suddenly infested by zombies. At first I didn't believe what my brother told me. But when I saw our nanny with those dull eyes and pale skin, I was forced to.

Now here I am, all alone, looking for a place to rest.

After an hour of walking (or maybe a minute or two), I saw a one-storey mansion. I praised the heavens and quickly dashed towards it, careful not to attract zombies nearby.

I entered the building quietly. It seems like there were people in here aside from me. I heard voices talking, arguing.

As I made my way through the long hallway of the west wing, cautiously looking out for a presence, the walls and windows suddenly shook from the impact of being attacked.

Shit. The zombies are here.

I cursed under my breath. They must have heard or saw movement, more likely coming from me. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I hid inside a room when I saw someone rushed out of the, I supposed, Master's bedroom near the room where I hid. When I was sure that no one was around, I ran the opposite direction of where the boy had ran into. He was dragging a child—a young boy with him, their red locks bouncing as the frantically searched for something, someone.

Shaking my head off the thought of the two, I tried to focus on my current situation. Okay, now I'm panicking. I didn't know where to go. I'll be so dead if I didn't find a place to hide right now. Running away from this place would be impossible, the place likely would swarmed with the undead by now. I ran around, trying to find an escape like that one time.

Alas, thank heavens I saw one. A rope was hanging out of nowhere and when I looked up, I saw a box-like entry in the ceiling. I climbed halfway up and tossed my heavy backpack inside.

I hissed in pain when I slipped a little, but I was able to hold on as to not fall to the ground. My hands burned but I ignored the pain and continued climbing. When we were finally up, I pulled the rope and closed the entrance.

It was dark up here, the only source of light coming through some windows. I looked around, examining the place. It was dusty, but not so much and a lot of toys and stuffs were loitering around. There were also a lot of boxes.

I fixed my backpack and checked my stinging hands. They were as red as tomatoes and they hurt so much that I bet I won't be able to hold anything. After giving my hands a little shake, I peered out through the window.

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