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You guys are hilarious! Anyways France. why are you so perverted! And have you ever had any perverted conversations with cleverbot?


"I would never! It would be sick and low to flirt with machinary," Francis scoffed. "I can be perverted at times but so can most people. They just don't day it out loud."

"No need to get worked up over a question," I said. 

"Ah oui. I know. Desole. But flirting with a computer program is absolutely pointless and stupid," France huffed. 

"Some people are bored...and horny~." I wiggled my eyebrows.

France smirked. "Have you ever flirted with cleverbot?" he asked. He leaned closer, resting his head in his hands. He looked at me intently, waiting for an answer.

I laughed. "Nope. I just repeatedly yell 'Dean' or 'Doctor' or 'Sherlock' at it. It's quite amusing," I said. 

He laughed. "You're such a fangirl~."

"I know~!"

"Merci pour la question~." France blew a kiss.

~Ask France Deux~Where stories live. Discover now