Jealousy Makes You Feel Lousy

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Lacy: Ah yeah he is......

Lucy: sorry for her making you guys feel bad...

Me (Lucy the admin~! ^^): Sorry for all the questions but I have two this time.

1. Alice do you mind asking questions on my "Ask England, Romania, and Sweden?

and 2. France are you jealous of anyone?


"Ah. Ask a question? I don't really like Romania or Sweden. And anyways I have no clue what to ask.... Sorry. If I think of a question, I will sweetie~!" I said.

France looked at me and smiled. "Sweetie...." he mumbled.

"Yes. I call people sweetie times. So what?" I mumbled, looking at my hands in my lap.

"Ah nothing. My turn, my turn. Jealousy is disgusting emotion. Although, I can't help feeling it like everyone else. I am not jealous of anyone in particular; and it is not quite fully jealousy. I would say, I am jealous of the people who find true love.

"Not true jealousy. I am happy for them as well. True love is a wonderful thing to experience and to love someone for the rest of your life, it's truly beautiful."

I looked at him and started clapping. "Honey!" I ran over and hugged him. "I hope you find your true love! I really hope you do! I want you to be in love for the rest of your life and be happy!" I said. ((I've watched to much k-drama. God dang))

France sat there for a second, eyes wide, surprised. He slowly smiled and hugged back. "Merci beacoup. I wish the same to you as well."

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