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It was 12:45 at night, and your boyfriend, Seungcheol, hasn't come home yet. And you know the reason why. Your boyfriend is the leader of Seventeen what do you expect. Of course he needs to work hard for his team.

You heard the front door squeak open. You knew it was Seungcheol. You share an apartment together, you went out of the bedroom. You see him walking in.

"Y/N you're awake." You boyfriend said tiredly.

"As you can see. I am." You said giggling. He sat on the couch and closed his eyes.

"My cute Seungcheol is tired." You said and sat next to him.

"I'm not cute I'm handsome." He murmured. You looked up to see his still closing his eyes. You went up to his face and caressed his cheek ever so lightly. One eye open slightly, he smiled then he wrapped his hands around your waist.

"You should go to bed." You said holding his face with your hands and pecking his nose, left cheek, chin, right cheek and eyes. He snuggled his face into your neck, you fell down laying on the couch. You were giggling, he was on top of you still snuggling his face on your neck.

"Oppa~~~" You said giggling. You feel him chuckle. He lift himself, supported by his elbows, and started kissing your face, you were a giggling mess.

"Cheoly Oppa~~~" You giggled trying to stop him.

"Okay, let's go to sleep." He said carrying you off the couch. Your legs around his torsos, arms around his neck. You entered your's and Seungchoel room.

He placed you down on the bed and change into sweats, shirtless he jump into the left side of the bed, you were at the right side. You giggled and snuggle into the comforter.

You felt arms circling around your waist, and you were pulled into warm chest. You turn to your left and snuggle more into him. He kissed your hair and hugged you tighter.

"Good night Jagi~~" Seungcheol cooed.

"Good night~~" You said and kissed his chest.


A/N :

I know it was probably crazy hella bad.

I'm not good at this.

I only made this book because I have lots of imaginations in my head so need to get them out. 😝😝

But I have weird imaginations. 🤗🤗

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