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You walk in your hotel with tired eyes. It was 10 in the evening, you were so tired from work. Your boss made you do almost all of his work.

You pressed the up button of the elevator, waiting for it to be open. It opened, and no one was inside it. You went in and pressed [>|<] button. You supported yourself by the elevator wall. You pressed 17th floor {SEVENTEEN!}.

The elevator dinged indicating you were in you desired floor. The elevator door opened, you stepped out, the last door to the left was your room.

You twisted the door knob, expecting it to be locked. But it was opened. Your eyes widen. Someone is inside my room. You hesitated in opening the door. But you did anyways.

You slowly creeped inside your small apartment. You walk straight to the living room to see someone sitting on your couch. You immediately noticed the suite. You signed in relief.

"Mr. Jeon?" He turned around and stood up.

You studied him. His necktie was loose, one button was unbuttoned. In short he looks so hot. You cleared you throat, noticing the you were staring at him.

"Mr. Jeon, what are you doing here?"

He didn't answer instead he crashed his lips into yours. You stood there shock, you didn't even kiss back. Wonwoo's hand grabbed your nape pushing his lips harder into yours.

You recovered from the shock and kiss him back, but you can't keep up with his pace. He was too fast. He stop for you to breath. He circled his free arm around your waist wanting you close to him, kissing your jaw, neck and throat.

Your hands were in his chest fisted, your legs almost jello. He found your sweet stop, and kept sucking it. You were a moaning mess.

He carried you, he was in between your legs. He went to the couch sat down still kissing you pr neck. You ran your fingers through his hair tugging it a little.

He made a muffled groan. Turning you on. You moaned. He stop stopped kissing your neck and looked at you straight into your eyes.

"[Y/N]" He said pecking your lips. "I need you."

You rested your forehead on his, and started grinding on him. His hands went to your waist. He groaned.

"Sh*t. [Y/N]." He moaned.

You unbutton your office blouse. Striping it off of you. So now your just in your bra and your skirt. Wonwoo started kissing your neck again. He unzip the zipper of your skirt, tugging it down.

You stood up in front of him, slowly taking your skirt off. Wonwoo eyed you hungrily. When it was fully off you he immediately pulled you back and started kissing you harshly. You moaned through the kiss.

You took off his blazer, and your hands work there way you his necktie and polo, and you took them off him. Him still kissing you,you unbuckle his belt. And undoing his pants.

He took his pants off him you still on top of him. When his boxers and pants where off, he looked at you asking permission if him could enter you.

You blushed then nodded. Wonwoo smiled at you. She's so cute.
Wonwoo positioned himself, slowly entering you. Slowly pain run through your spine. You shut you eyes tightly fisting your hands on the couch's sheet.

"Shhh.. It'll be over soon." Wonwoo sooth. You shivered at how deep his voice was. He was fully inside of you, waiting for you confirmation to continue.

Instead you saying anything to him, you started bouncing on him, causing you to moan and him to groan.

"[Y/N] you're so deliciously tight." Wonwoo groaned/whispered into your ears.

"Sh*t." You moaned. You stopped and he started thrusting into you. You felt him hit you spot over and over again. You throw your head back, moaning loudly.

"Wonwoo~" You moaned. You and Wonwoo released at the same time.

"Starting tomorrow, YOU ARE MINE." Wonwoo panted sweat streaming down his handsome face, you peck his lips, then nodded.

You both lay down the couch and fell asleep in each other's arms.


😍💦💦💦💦💦💦💦.        🔥👄🔥 HOT

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