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Hey guys this is a smut.
It's okay, you can skip it, if you want.



"Jagiiii~~~~" Your boyfriend Joshua whined.

"What??" You whined back still typing on your phone.

"Stop fantasizing about [your other basis] with (Y/Fr/N)
[a/n: Y/Fr/N = your friends name] while you're with your boyfriend." Joshua said pouting and hugging you from the back.

You are currently texting your best friend about how handsome [your other bias] is. You're in the couch sitting in between Joshua's  legs.

You didn't answers your boyfriend and continue texting.

To (Y/Fr/N) :
[Your other bias] Oppa is soooooo HOT!

From (Y/N) :
I know, like eff I wanna kiss him 😍😍😍😍

To (Y/Fr/N) :
You two are totally compatible for each other!!

You were about to type again but felt wet kisses in your neck, ear lobe, and shoulder. You didn't mind it until he found your sweet spot, you threw your head backwards slightly and let out a small moan.

You bit your lip to stop the moan when he stoke your breasts.

"No bra huh?" He whispered. You just closed your eyes.

"Who do you wanna kiss now?" Joshua said huskily. You giggled and faced him.

You circled your hands around a pouting Joshua. You peck his lips ten times until he deepens the kiss, and turned into a hot make out scene.

He licked your lips asking for entrance which you immediately answered. Joshua groaned when your tongue touched his and you moaned, Joshua held you tighter, slipping a hand under his shirt and massaging your breast.

He was playing with your nipples. You broke the kiss and let out a long low moan, you uncontrollably grind your cotton shorts covered core to his sweat pants covered shaft. He groaned throwing his head backwards.

You took off the shirt you were wearing. He took his shirt off too and threw it some where. He carried you, your hands still circled around his neck, kissing your neck and throat

He open your's and he's room, placing you in the bed still kissing, sucking, and licking your neck.

"Joshua~" You moaned scratching his shoulders.

"What's my real name?" Joshua whispered and resumed to what he was doing earlier.

"Jisoo Oppa~~"

You felt a hand ran down your body to your cotton shorts. Rubbing your covered core. You bit your lip to suppress the moans that are uncontrollably going out your mouth.

"Let me hear those beautiful sounds." He said. When he said that your mouth open and a moan went out. He moaned.

He slipped you out of your cotton short together with your underwear, and started kissing his way to your stomach. When he got near to your heat, he started kissing your thighs, you whimpered.

You felt a feather like lick making you gasp. Then he lick you completely, slurping all the juice that he made in make out scene.

A finger entered your hole making you moan loudly, he slip another, still licking your sensitive bud which got you moaning loudly.

He stopped and stood up. He took off his sweat pants and his boxers. He positioned himself in between your legs, his tip slightly entering your core. You whimper.

"Hhmmm Oppa~~" You moaned digging you nails into his shoulder. Joshua entered you inch by inch whispering sooth words to your ear. You were biting your lip to prevent the cries.

When he was finally fully inside of you, he stayed there for a while for you to get use to his size, waiting for your permission.

"Oppa move." You moaned out, Joshua carefully and slowly moved in and out of you. You slightly threw your head back.

"Faster." You whispered into his ears. Joshua followed your command and move faster grunting every now and then. Joshua hit your g-spot.

"Hmmm, Oppa right there, righ—" You weren't able to finish your sentence, before bursting into pure bliss.

"Hrrrmmm." Joshua groaned. You giggled.

"Let's sleep." You yawned.

"Night Jagi~"


A/n :

I literally died writing this 🙈🔫

JISOO!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

JISOO!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Dayyuuummmmmmmm..... ❣❣❣❣❣

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