Once Upon a Time (Prologue)

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The end of the Inner Wars left the country jaggedly torn in half.

In the borderlands, now referred to as the 'Midlands', many men came back from the wars with no home or lands to come back to, they having been overtaken by the opposing kingdom, or simply destroyed.

Men without homes, without work, and without means, were dangerous men, lost and hungry. They burdened the walkways of the villages and spilled out into the forests along the roadways; making it a perilous time to be a traveler, or a woman, or even alive.

As tensions at the border were high and treasuries were low, both kingdoms abandoned any real presence in the Midlands, leaving the citizens to fend for themselves; survive as they might. Soon a hierarchy of sorts settled its way into the chaos. Men became bands of men, seemingly random violence and thieving gained its own code of conduct, and people adapted, as they do, and built their lives as best they could.

Over the last few years there had been talk of a peace, a true uniting of the country again, a joining of the Two Kingdoms, The East and The West...but nothing had come of it.

And now the fighting had started again, worse than ever, ripping through the already ragged Midlands. 

***Doesn't this sound like a world you want to escape into for a time? Especially when the alternative is staying in the REAL one...

Reading about other people's problems instead of facing your own? Give me a vote and a 'Guilty' in the comments***

UP NEXT: 'Fox' - In which we meet our hero/antagonist...then promptly lose him again.

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