The Plan

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He woke to the feeling of someone watching him. Opening his eyes, he saw Gaelian looking down at him, her hair falling in copper strands here and there, her underdress having slipped off one shoulder. Pretty nice way to wake up, he decided.

She looked at him, looking at her, then said quietly, almost emotionally, "You didn't leave."

He smiled, lifting his hand and caressing her cheek, "No."

For just a moment he thought she might...

But then she rolled away from him, exiting the bed and walking over to his side where her dress was, turning from him and slipping it on. She was out of the room before he'd even managed to get himself out of the bed.

Now who was the one running? He thought.

When he came down, the commotion of breakfast was already in full sway. He joined it, sitting down and listening to the noise around him. Gaelian placed a plate in front of him without much more than a glance, but when people finished and Haudsle began kicking them all out of the house because of their rowdiness, she sat beside him, taking his hand to get his attention.

Leaning in, as Haudsle had not as of yet been entirely successful in her efforts, she said, "I have a proposition for you."

Looking over at her suggestively he answered, "I can assure you the answer will be 'yes'."

Ignoring his tone, she continued, "I think it is a way for us both to get what we want."

"Even better." He returned, cocking his eyebrow.

Something went flying past her head then, causing an uproar of laughter from the far end. Slamming her hand on the table she stood, saying loudly, "That is enough!"

Everything went quiet, then the men began filing meekly out the door, Fox smiling, amused by the whole scene.

Sitting back down, her back straight, she continued, "In outer East Kingdom is the province of Trades, there lives a...person...that we need break the curse." It was obvious she was choosing her words very carefully, but he let her continue for now. "There also, is kept a sum of East's royal treasury which..." She dropped her head, "I...know how to access."

He just looked at her, unable to figure out what it was she was hoping he would draw from these seemingly random facts, prompting her to explain, "It would be a big bounty, one your men could retire on, and you as well, if after breaking the curse you still decide that is what you want. Or, if you decide to part ways with them, you could leave in peace, knowing you've set them up for life."

He sat back, hand on his chin, thinking. "I thought all royal treasury was kept in the castle in East Kingshome."

"It is, this is just a partial amount, separated for...a particular reason."

"And that would be?" He asked.

"It matters not." She said, obviously flustered. "What matters is that it is there."

He leaned forward then, resting his elbows on the table, his eyes grave as he spoke, "Robbing a royal treasury is no simple matter, not to mention we'll be out of our element. It's dangerous...riskier than we've ever done."

She just shrugged, though her eyes were also serious. "Yes, but the bigger the pay off, the bigger the price. Still," She added more gently, "Two things you'll have to your advantage. One, what more could they do to you? You're already hunted men, bounties on your heads, your people slaughtered by soldiers, your rights nonexistent."

He couldn't argue that. Though there would be greater risks while obtaining the bounty, afterwards couldn't be that much worse than usual, especially if they really had sufficient riches to disappear long enough for things to settle down.

Robber Royale: Fairytale of a Thief and a ScoundrelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora