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Fox leaned back in his chair and laughed openly, triumphantly, though none of the other inhabitants of his table shared in his mirth. Grumbling, they tossed down their dice and shoved back their seats. The winner of their games this night was clear, and the losers, though sore, wouldn't dare contest it. So after a few unsavory words and halfhearted accusations, they left for their abodes, much lighter in the pockets.

Still smiling to himself, Fox began bagging up his booty, pausing to hold a jewel to the dim light to check its purity as he went, not even glancing up as the slim hooded figure sat down in the chair before him. Though, just because he did not look up did not mean he didn't see, and just because his manner remained calm did not mean he wasn't on guard.

He'd noticed the hooded figure hours earlier, sitting a few tables from himself, and though he'd never caught them at it, had felt the figure watching him. Even then, he'd been only vaguely intrigued and not at all worried. He would not have come here if his reputation had not been sufficient to protect him, nor did he come without sufficient men to protect said reputation if the need arose. Men who were, even now, looking to him for the signal to intercede.

He did not give it, but continued gathering up his winnings, though he did this a little more efficiently than before. People around here had fast hands; he should know...he was one of them. And, as these winnings were more than just his own, being split evenly among his men - there was a reason they were so loyal to him - he felt even more the burden of safeguarding them.

"You are the Fox." A voice said from the depths of the hood, causing him to stop momentarily in surprise.

It was a woman's voice.

Smoothly he continued on, still not bothering to look up. A woman? She was either a prostitute or insane, or both as he had found many times to be the case. But though it wasn't unusual to be approached by such a woman after winning so well in a was unusual for her to be carefully covering all her best-selling points.

It hadn't really been a question, but still seemed to require some sort of response, so he raised his eyebrows and laughed once quietly, tying off his bag then leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table, finally looking up at his guest.

"And what's it to you then, lady?"

"I have something for him."

Smiling lazily he sat back, "No offense there love, but what could you possibly have for him that he couldn't get at any other skirt in here?" He said, while gesturing towards some of the other women who were serving drinks or sitting on laps.

It wasn't completely dark under the hood, thanks to the lamp on the table, and he saw the figure repressing a small smile before moving slightly and covering her mouth in shadow again.

"I have what he's been seeking."

Fox folded his arms, looking bored, "Oh really? And pray tell, what might that be?"

"His past." She answered simply.


The Prince stood beside his heavily veiled bride to be, the cathedral filled to the rafters - with even more spectators waiting outside eager to, in some way, be a part of this historic event. The Kings had spared no expense, as there was more being celebrated here than just the union of their children. This would bring the union of kingdoms, this would finally ease the aftermath of the wars fought in their own youths by their own fathers; put away the poverty and pain of the past and bring the prosperity and peace of the future.

For such a joyous occasion, one would expect emotions to be running high, but for the Prince, those strong emotions did not mirror that of his father and subjects; body tense, hands clenched, he felt only anger. Anger towards his father, his title, for the other king and kingdom, even for the covered figure standing silently at his side, unfair as that may be; anger towards everyone and everything that was involved in his standing here in this moment, selling himself for the good of the country.

Robber Royale: Fairytale of a Thief and a ScoundrelWhere stories live. Discover now