The Princess

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Fishing out a ring, she shoved it on her finger, and turning to face the door she unclasped her cloak, it falling to the floor just as the door gave, a group of soldiers entering, weapons raised...though the sight of the regal looking woman, standing assuredly and calmly to greet them, gave them pause.

"May I help you good sirs?"

Behind the soldiers came the yelling woman from before, her mouth hanging open in surprise at the sight of Gaelian standing there, whatever she was about to yell catching in her throat.

"Well?" Gaelian pressed. Cold yet polite.

"I...uh...Just what do you think yer doin' in here?" The head soldier finally managed.

"In my own chambers?" Gaelian asked, "Seems more appropriate that I be asking you that question."

Several mouths opened and closed before the woman in the back finally managed to stammer out. "Your highness?"

"Of course. Are there generally others allowed in here in my absence?" She asked, somewhat accusingly.

" course not yer highness." She said, bowing low, the others, thoroughly confused at this point, awkwardly following suit. "It's jest that...well...we weren't expecting ya...been years since..."

Gaelian cut her off uncomfortably, "Am I now required to announce my choosing to come to my own home, like a common guest?"

Knowing she could not win such an argument, knowing she shouldn't even try, the woman just said meekly, "No your highness." Gaelian feeling a pang of guilt in her gut.

She had always tried not to be like this, to treat others like she was better and had more rights simply because of her status. But...desperate times called for desperate measures.

"Good. Now, would it be possible for my guests and I to continue on without further ordeal?"

"Yes your highness." They all mumbled.

"You're dismissed."

They all shuffled out except one, the soldier who had spoken to them at first, perhaps he was a captain? Gaelian looked over his uniform, asking to his still bowed form, seeing as he was not allowed to speak first. "Was there something more?" Her stomach tensing with nervousness for some reason.

"Forgive me, your highness. But...due to the strange manner of our encounter, and none of us having seen you in person in so long..." He took a breath, saying the next part with the determination of someone willing to face whatever punishment necessary to do what he felt was right. "I feel it my duty to the crown to ask you to prove your identity."

There was a pause, then Gaelian walked towards him, putting out her ringed hand for him to see, saying in a low, almost emotional voice, "Teravessa."

The man nodded, relief showing on his face.

"I commend you for seeing to your duty so faithfully, it was not an easy thing to question me." She said sincerely. "Rise." She commanded then. "For I wonder now if you might be of some assistance to me and my guests?"

"Of course your highness, anything you ask shall be granted."

Knowing they still had little time - as her being here would soon make things harder for them, rather than better, she began walking out, stepping carefully over the fallen door. She knew the captain followed, but didn't look at Fox and his men, somehow she couldn't face them yet. She just had to trust that they'd stick with her for safety's sake.

"I need horses for all of us, ready to depart as quickly as possible."

There was a pause before the Captain answered. "Of course your highness, but are you leaving us so soon?"

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