Chapter 2:

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Ethan POV:
We finally get home and grayson shakes my leg vigorously. I shuffle around and flinch in my sleep as if I was falling in a dream or something.
"Were home budddyyyy!" Grayson cheers and I look around outside to observe my surroundings. Home sweet home.

We all hop out of the car and my mom is waiting for us on the front porch.

"My boys!" She runs out towards us embracing us both in a group hug, one arm each around her and one arm holding our suitcases.
"Hey mom!" Grayson and I greet her in sync.
"I missed you guys so much!" She kisses us on the cheek and we both secretly cringe.
"We missed you too mom" grayson says wiping his cheek, as if mom gave him a virus.
"I've got food on the table inside, come on, I'm sure you boys are hungry"
"Staaarrrving!" Grayson starts rubbing his tummy.
We then drag our suitcases inside and plonk them on the side of the doorway entrance and rush to the kitchen. My mom knew how much we hated the airplane food. So she always had some food cooked up for us when we got home.
Cameron came in not long after and joined us.
"Where's dad mom?" Grayson asks.
"He's on a trip for work" she adds.
We then dig into our food like hungry hippos while mom bangs the table to grab our attention.
All three of us look up at her with our mouths full.
"Okay, I need to fill you all in on something" she begins.
We all gulp down the current mouthful in our mouths and listen to what she has to say.
"I have a friend coming to stay with us for a couple days, she's coming with her husband and her niece, they're moving in next door. So we have got to make them feel welcome." Wow she's telling us this now? So last minute mom.
"Okay, when are they coming?" I ask her.
"Today" she adds sharply.
I then choke a bit on my food.
"Yep, as in soon. Maybe now. We'll never know until they turn up."
I start coughing from my previous choking incident and gulp down some sips of water.
"They have a niece? Cool!" Cameron cheers.
"I wonder if she's hot" grayson wriggles his eyebrows. Mom and I both backhand him on each arm. I'm sure even cameron kicked his leg under the table. We all gave him the occasional weird look.
"Ow, what?" He shrugs.
"You're such a terrible flirt you know" cameron stuffs her mouth again.
"How would you know, I don't flirt with you" he cringes.
"Probably because I'm your sister, idiot. Of course you don't flirt with me!" She chucks a chicken wing at him, and I snort out laughter as a trail of chicken juice runs down his face.
"Hey stop playing around with your food." Mom growls and we all go silent.
"I don't want that sort of behavior when my friend is here."
"Sorry mom" we always go soft on her when she's angry.
"Anyway, our visitors are going to be here soon, so let's start tidying up" she hops up and we all hop up after her. Doing our dishes and tidying up the table.

Just then a car pulls up in the driveway. Honestly, I wasn't up to facing visitors. So I went and lay on the couch.

"They're here!" Mom screeches while running out the front door like a crazy person.

Grayson and cameron stand at the doorway watching her

Calsey POV:

"So, wheres our new house aunt?" I ask her breaking the silence.
"Its next door to my friends house, but were staying with her for a couple days until our furniture and all comes in for our house" she explains to me and my eyes widen.
"Who's your friend?"
"She's a friend I went to school with, you'll like her I promise."
I nod and just drift off to sleep. It felt like I was sleeping forever. What a great feeling.

I then get woken up from endless shaking, I open my eyes and quickly jerk my head upwards to see aunt Janice up in my face.

"Were here darling!" She coos as she looks out the window. I look out the window as well and see a nice country area with huge houses having their own spacious area.

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