Chapter 4

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Ethan POV:

We walk into the driveway and I can see the lights still beaming through the closed curtains and figures walking around in the lounge.

We get closer and hear a little bit of bickering.

"Janice, its dark. I'm going to find her now" a angry voice mallows through the walls of the house.

"Brent, calm down! She should be home soon."

"Yeah, Ethan's gone after her" I hear moms soft voice.

"What?! That's it! I'm going" we both hear stomps booming louder towards the front door.

I feel calsey grip my arm and pull me back a little.

The door swings open and a manly tall figure freezes in front of us.

His angry features beaming over at us. Looking backwards and forwards at me and calsey. Me, then calsey. Me, then calsey. Rapidly repetitive.

"Uncle Brent, its not what it looks like" she refers to the fact that he's staring at her hand gripping my wrist.

Her grip getting tighter signalling the fear that she has. I don't blame her. This guy seems so controlling.

He walks over to her and grabs her other hand dragging her away. That's when I was also being dragged because her grip didn't loosen one bit. Not even a budge.

"No! Brent! Leave her!" Calseys aunt runs after us yelling and screaming.

"Uncle I'm sorry!" She tries resisting him by trying to drag away from him. Her grip still as tight as it started on my wrist.

He stops at the entrance of her room and pulls her viciously making her grip loosen on my wrist pulling her away from me and pushing her into the room. He walks in after her slamming the door in my face and I just stood there. I felt like I needed to do something but I didn't. I didn't know this girl, call me cruel but was I meant to? I heard yelling and screaming fade into the background.

I was zoned out for a little just staring at the patterns on the door.

I was snapped out of thought by a high pitch snapping sound.

In a result of sobbing.

"You're not leaving this room for the rest of the night!" I hear his fottsteps tremble towards the door and I quickly try running away so he didn't catch me.

"Hey you" he calls out to me.

I turn around awkwardly slow.

"Yeah?" My voice pulls out on me and I go quiet.

"I don't want you doing anything weird with my niece alright!?" I cringed at the thought he had of us.

"Oh, brent! Leave the poor boy out of this!" Janice comes along by his side and tries pulling him away.

"Excuse me?" He pulls away from her.

"Well he was the one that went to find her and bring her home didn't he?" She begins yelling at him.

"I could've easily did that myself if you would've let me!" He snarls at her.

"Are you gonna hit her as well?" I blurted out making them both go dead silent.

I stood there confidently as he turns towards me and walks closer.

"Are you calling me a female abuser?" He is now right in my face. Snarling at me.

I'm gonna admit I was slightly intimidated. But only slightly.

I heard a crackle of calseys bedroom door open. She opens it fully to reveal the redness on her cheek. He did hit her. She then notices that she had just revealed the evidence of her uncles doing and closes it to a crack opening. Peeking out at us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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