Chapter 3:

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Calsey POV:

I watch through the doorway as ethan walks down the hallway towards a room which is probably his room and he closes the door. I was only here for 5 minutes and I was already feeling as if ethan hated me. Yikes.

"So, calsey right?" Grayson comes up to Cameron and I.
"How do you like new jersey so far?"
"Its okay I guess"

Just then uncle Brent, aunt Janice and Lisa walk back into the kitchen.

"Calsey, come on, come puts your bags away" uncle Brent tells me and I do so.

I go to the front door and grab the bags from where I left them. I follow Lisa as she leads me down a long hallway.

"This is the bathroom, Grayson's room, Cameron's room" she points at different doors as we walk further down the hallway.

"Here's Ethan's room.." She caeeiwa on walking and I look through the small gap of the slightly opened door to Ethan's room, he lays comfortably on his bed looking through something on his phone.

He looks up at me as I realize I'm standing there like a hypnotized pedophile staring through his door at him.

"Calsey?" Lisa calls back to me.

I break the awkward eye contact and rush off after lisa to my room. I then hear creaks of bed legs from Ethan's room behind me, as if he was hopping off his bed. Probably ready to come out and have a go at me for staring at him.

Lisa then walks into a nicely set out guest room with a nicely made king single bed. Their house was humungous, I have to admit. I go and set my stuff down next to the bed.

"Okay, are you hungry dear?" Lisa asks me.
"A little" I admit shyly.

"Well, lunch is downstairs when you're ready." I nod and she walks out.

I go to open up my bag and start grabbing out my comic books. I guess I'm a nerdy tomboy. But I ain't gonna tell no one.

"A fan of spiderman I see?" Somebody startles me as I chuck my comics back into my bag like a frightened puppy.

I turn around to see ethan standing at the doorway leaning against the door frame, smirking down at me.

"Oh, hi" I shove my books further down into my bag full of embarrassment.

I was scared to look back at him, waiting to hear a shot of mockful laughter. Instead I hear footsteps coming closer to me.

I watch as he leans down next to me on his knees and goes into my bag pulling out the comic books.

He scans through them with an amazed look on his face.

"Sometimes I like to act them out" did I really just say that. Typical calsey.

He looks up at me and I look down telling myself off.

"I like these" he pulls at the pages flipping through them.

"You need to let me read some of these." He hands them back to me

I give off an awkward laugh and grab them from his hand.

"One day" I smirk.

I look at him and he's just staring at me. I stare back at him.

It felt as if we were back at the airport. I was lost in his brown eyes again.

"Calsey!" I hear aunt Janice call me from downstairs.

I blink rapidly snapping myself out of these weird feelings.

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