{ T H R E E }

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"On Behalf of the teachers and staff of Rivermill Senior High we would like to congratulate you on being accepted."

I read over again in my mind. How could I.... how did... I can't believe I made it in!

"Well...." i heard Justin say on the other side of the phone.

"Well, I uh. I made it in-" and before I could finish my sentence i heard Justin 'wooing' on the phone.

"I KNEW YOU WOULD MAKE IT IN DELILAH." he yelled at me through the phone. "Why wouldn't they want someone as intelligent as you!?! It's crazy to think you doubted yourself."

"I'm not that amazing okay!!!! I maintain a steady GPA and I have joined some clubs over the years.." I was knowingly smiling into the phone.

"A STEADY GPA. SOME CLUBS. oh Birdshaw, you crack me up, 4.0 and all clubs, even some sports." he said.

"Yeah, I don't want to be braggy, that's all." i said honestly.

"And that's why you are the bestest most amazing person in the world." he said.

"i know." i said, being arrogant. "Alright, so I'm going to bed now. I am exhausted after all this excitement."

"Okay, i'm going to finish up my homework." he said.

 "Night Caylen."i said

"Night Birdshaw, don't let the bed bugs bite."


When I got to school the next morning, I went to my class and sat down on the desk I've been sitting at pretty much the entire year. I set my bag down on the floor. The class was almost full because class was about to start.

I look over to my left and I see an empty desk. Or should I say, THE empty desk. The empty desk that has been empty for almost a month that once sat my best friend.

On a normal day I would look over at that desk and there was something to smile about, maybe he was making a funny face, or mocking the teacher, or letting me see his answers. Which I never needed, thank you very much.

But lately, looking over at that empty desk brought feelings of pain and lonliness. Luckily, I wouldn't have to look at that desk anymore since school was pretty much over.

Everyone around me was signing yearbooks and saying their goodbyes. The bell rang and the teacher called attendance.

The first week Justin left, his name was still on the roster. But now it was completely gone. Once the attendance finished we waiting five minutes to go to our next period.

Before I leave I wanted to look at the empty desk for the last time. I looked over and noticed the seat was occupied. I looked up at who was sitting there and I was faced with a tall boy. 

All I could do was stare into his gorgeous blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean.

"You're Delilah right?" he said smiling, revealing his dimples.

he has dimples oh my god.

"Um, yeah that's me." i said.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about your friend. That he left. It must be tough." he said sadly.

I just nodded and lowered my head. "Thanks." he didn't make me feel much better. I turned back to the front of the class.

"Oh, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I'm sorry." he said, "If you ever want to talk i'm here."

"Alright." i said still looking down.  He had an angelic voice that calmed me down.

"Okay. Talk to you later Delilah." he said sadly getting up from his chair and walking away.

I lifted my head slowly and processed what just happened and smiled a little.

I shyly looked behind me to find him and noticed him sitting with his friends laughing. His dimple was showing. His cute dimple.

Then he saw me looking at me and smiled. I felt my cheeks get red and I got up from my seat quickly as the bell rang signalling next period. How embarrassing.

(a/n) aww delilah has a friend.

Let Me Treasure You {Prequel to Summer At Justin's}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora