{ F O U R }

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I sat down next to Paul and his friends during lunch today. Luckily for him, he has plenty of friends. He doesn't seem lonely much, but what do I know. I should probably know by now that just because someone has a smile on their face doesn't mean that they are happy.

His friends were talking about what high schools they have gotten accepted into. Some got accepted to the public school close by, others to the nursing school, and even one for marine science.

"How about you Delilah?" i heard Paul ask. "What school did you get accepted to?" Everyone in the table looked at me.

I put my sandwich down and answered, "I got into Rivermill Senior High."

Everyone in the table gasped. "Really are you serious! You must be so smart." one of the girls said.

"Of course she made it she was a definite shoe in." i heard someone say behind me. I turned around and saw the guy from this morning.

"Yeah, he is right. You are in every club pretty much and you have a high GPA." Paul said. The guy behind me sat next to me in the lunch table. I scooted over a bit to give us some space, and I think he noticed because he gave me a look and I just shrugged.

"I heard only like two people made it into Rivermill from our school!" the girl from before said.

"I wonder who the other one was." Paul said. We all finished our lunch and I got up as the bell rang. 

I threw away my trash and went to my last period for the day and until next school year. The teachers haven't given us any work at all which was awesome.

Everyone was playing cards and signing yearbooks. I opened a book and started reading; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

I loved the harry potter books. They were my favorite. I'd seen all the movies that were out too. I even watched the last one at the premier with Justin.

I was in the middle of the book when someone threw a cliff bar at my book. I looked up confused and was faced with the tall blue eyed boy that had been pretty much creeping on me all day.

He sat in the seat next to me and started munching on his own bar.

"Hey Delilah. whatcha reading?" he said nonchalantly. His blue eyes were twinkling.

"I'm reading Harry Potter." i said, looking at him questioningly. Why is he being nice, why is he asking me what I'm up to, why is he buying me food?

"Nice." he said, "I've never read a Harry Potter book to be honest."

"Never read... never read a... have you not lived!?" i said throwing my arms up in shock. "They are like one of those books that you just, have to read. How do you even understand the movies?"

I put my hand in his face, "I can't talk to you." i said jokingly and turn away back to my book.

Then I noticed the bar. "Why did you get me a cliff bar?" i said lifting it up.

"Well I know that on Thursday's you have ballet and you didn't eat much at lunch, i figured you needed the energy." he said, rubbing the back of his neck shyly.

How did he?

"How did you know that?" i asked, shocked.

"What no thank you." he said jokingly.

"Well, yeah thanks." i said smiling.

"I knew you had ballet because I see you getting out of rehearsel when I get out of football practice at the same time." he said, "You wore that skirt thing and the tight shirt thing."

"A tutu and a leotard?" i said smiling at him, this guy is incredible. How would he remember something like that about me?

"Yeah I guess that." he said laughing. "So you like cliff bars right? I got chocolate brownie. I mean who doesn't like chocolate."

"Actually," i said laughing. "I don't like chocolate." i giggled nervously.

"Oh." he said shocked, "What are you an alien!?"

"Pretty much." i said, "Justin always said I looked like one when I was younger."

"He said that!" he said, "What a douche!" he said jokingly.

"NO it's true, I did." i said. "Well, i need to see the evidence." he replied.

"I think I..." i said, grabbing my phone out and scrolling through my pictures on my phone. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear so I could see the screen better. "Here's one."

I showed him the picture on my phone, he shifted his gaze from me to the phone.

"Hmmm." he thought, he looked between the picture and me and I smiled. He really was analyzing it.

"I don't see it." he said.

"OH, really. So what did I look like?" i asked, moving closer so he could look at my face.

"Well, I don't know about then, but you look like an alien right now." he said with a serious face.

I gasped at him and moved further away, covering my face with my book. "Well then, nice conversation, i willl never speak to you again. Good bye. Have a nice life."

He started laughing. He put his hand on my book and pushed it down revealing my face.

"Don't be sad, you didn't let me finish." he said.

"Okay, finish and then i'll never speak to you again." i was hurt, he called me an alien.

"I said you look like an alien now. But not because you look like an actual alien, but like an alien I think you are out of this world." he said. I could see in his eyes he was being honest.

I couldn't help but let out a smile when he said that, i even think my cheeks were getting red.

The bell rang signalling we would be going home for good. No more school work, no more drama, just summer. And i was really excited about that. I might even see Justin.

I looked up at the bell, then back at the blue eyed boy. Then I realized I didn't even know his name.

"Sorry, what was your name?" I ask, "I can't believe you knew all this about me and I knew nothing of you, not even your name."

"Actually, you did learn some stuff about me." he said matter of factly. "You know i've never read an HP book, i go to fooball practice, I like chocolate, and-"

"You think i'm out of this world." i said smiling.

"exactly." he said, getting up.

"But what's your name." i say pleadingly.

"maybe if we meet again i will tell you." he said smirking, "Have a good summer Delilah."

"But." i said, but it was too late he'd already left.

Who was this charming kid?

Let Me Treasure You {Prequel to Summer At Justin's}Where stories live. Discover now