Chapter Eighteen

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The Renark of Lion Crest had never made so many exceptions for a Soldier before Sage Lycrart came into her life.

Lilith remembered Sage's parents well, but how could she not? She had been the medic who helped during Sage's birth when complications arose, and Lilith had always admired the effortless leadership Sage's parents brought to the Soldier populace while Lilith worked as Head Medic and advisor to the Renark at that time. It had been two years into her own Renarkship when she received news of their death, and of course her thoughts had gone instantly to their orphaned children.

That was when the exceptions had truly started. First, it had been her intervention which stopped Sage and Dean from going to a foster family, and then her persuading Leon to register as their legal guardian, and then grouping them with the Suragi boys, and convincing the academy teachers to overlook Sage's poor combat skills when she was young, and on and on until today, where she was doing everything possible to bring Sage home.

Lilith's efforts in Sage's rescue went beyond standard protocol. She had claimed sending such a large squad of Crest Soldiers for a rescue mission was necessary because it involved the Shadow Soldiers, but standard protocol required an elite group of Sai-Soldiers to be sent instead – and none of them were to have a personal connection to the missing Soldier, if only to avoid emotional decision making and poor judgement.

That certainly wasn't the case here.

Calin's death had reminded Lilith exactly what she was risking by breaking procedure, and whilst she had managed to keep the particulars of the rescue mission mostly confidential the absence of all the Crest Soldiers trying to find Sage was beginning to garner attention.

Lilith may have been the Renark, with ultimate authority over the Soldier populace, but that didn't afford her the right to break the rules whenever she chose.

There was a firm but polite knocking on Lilith's door. She called for them to enter and took a seat at her desk, letting her thoughts of a moment ago drift to the back of her mind so there was no trace of them in her expression.

Raven entered, her deep red hair braided over one shoulder and her uniform revealing the difficulties of the rescue mission she had returned from.

'Raven,' Lilith said with a touch of surprise. 'I wasn't expecting you back until tonight.'

'We moved quickly,' Raven replied.

Lilith nodded in understanding. 'I am so sorry about Calin. How is Leon?'

'Devastated,' Raven admitted, 'though he wasn't letting that show, I could still tell. If it wasn't Sage who we were trying to rescue I know he would have been the one returning with Calin.'

Which was why Raven had done it instead, of course.

Lilith leaned back in her chair, saying, 'There has been a change in Sage's situation, according to Theo. Sage has been taken from the Shadow Soldiers by another organisation, Theo learned of this when one of the Shadow Soldiers – Toren Micah – approached them of his own accord.'

Raven's brow quirked, dubious. 'We're to believe the Shadow Soldier?'

'Theo does,' Lilith said, which was enough of an answer. Theo was as practical and level-headed as Raven so she knew Raven wouldn't contradict him. 'I've given them permission to go to Sky Expanse where Sage has apparently been taken, but if they don't find her there...'

'I know,' said Raven softly, her thoughts likely on Leon.

To lose both Calin and Sage... Lilith didn't want to be the reason for such grief, but she would have little choice if Sage wasn't found in Sky Expanse.

SAGE (under edit)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon