Chapter Twenty Six - Common Ground

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Raidan hadn't hesitated.

He took off for Green Coast as fast as he could, using all his Kyra just to strengthen his legs and increase his speed while he carried Sage. He knew he was risking himself by heading for Green Coast, by handing her over to their medics, but it didn't matter. He could think only of his promise to Dean.

Running up the slope of the valley caused his legs to burn, but Raidan only pushed more Kyra into them as he crested the valley and crossed into the grassy flats that separated Dallan from Green Coast City. Raidan could see the outlying houses of the city in the distance.

The flicker of a Kyra signature caught Raidan's attention, but it was only meant as a signal. He recognised it as Leon and glanced over his shoulder to see him sprinting toward him, easily meeting Raidan's pace until they were at each other's side.

'How is she?'

Raidan's arm habitually tightened around Sage and he looked down to her, just as her eyesfluttered open. 'Leon...?' she whispered.

'I'm here, Sage,' Leon assured.

Sage took in a sharp breath, her face twisting. 'It hurts.'

'I know, but try to stay awake. We'll get you help.'

The city of Green Coast was built into the steep, rugged cliffs that descended like steps to the beach below. Raidan and Leon passed through a farming town first before, and as they neared the first cluster of colourful houses Leon said, 'You know what will happen if you enter the city, Raidan. If you want, hand Sage over to me and—'

'I will not leave her,' Raidan said, 'no matter the consequence.'

Leon led the way as they moved further into the city, houses and shops clustering around with winding, seemingly directionless cobblestone paths between. The city was an explosion of colour, just as Raidan had remembered it, and not just from the painted facades of the buildings but also from the clothes the people wore. Many stopped and stared in confusion as Leon and Raidan hurried through, Leon's uniform offering enough warning for everyone to keep out of their way.

The hospital was the only white building in the entire city, which meant it stood out from where it was built on a ridge separate from the terraces nearest to it. Wide, marble steps had been built into the ground leading up to the infirmary's entrance and many people had chosen to lounge across those steps while basking in the sun. Raidan only paid attention to those in his way.

Because Raidan was dressed casually, the attention of those in the hospital's large lobby was placed on Leon first, given he was garbed in the Lion Crest uniform. Then they looked to Sage and, finally, they regarded Raidan.

A nurse at the lobby's front desk shot up out of her seat when she saw them enter. 'Captain Deltra?' she called. Raidan commended Leon's idea to call ahead.

'That's right, we need a medic immediately,' he said, marching up to the desk with Raidan behind him. On the edges of Raidan's vision he saw a few people slowly rising from their seats, recognition dawning, whereas others looked at Raidan as if questioning whether he was who they thought him to be.

'Yes, yes! Of course,' said the nurse, turning toward an intercom – but she paused, her gaze sliding back to Raidan. Then she gasped, almost tripping over her chair as she backed away.

Raidan looked to Leon. 'Did your comrade not think to warn them of my presence?'

'What would you have preferred, a surprised nurse or an army of Coastal Soldiers?' Leon replied pointedly, before leaning forward to placate the nurse. 'Please, be calm. He is here under my authority and I assure you he means no harm. Our comrade is gravely ill,' he added, gesturing to Sage.

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