Chapter Thirty Two - Instinct

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It was a cold morning, and mist clouded the border-camp as the six squads readied to depart for the outskirt-camp. Sage warmed her nose against the sleeves of her coat as she watched the Crest Soldiers gather, all of them too distracted by the cold to bother with disdainful glares and hateful mutterings at the Shadow Soldiers among them. She spotted Rhun and Leah speaking with Trey, dressed and armed as if they were departing as well although Sage didn't recall seeing them at the meeting.

Every Crest Soldier, Sage realised, was a Sai-Soldier. It meant Theo was more than just concerned about a possible ambush; he was almost certain one would happen. Each one was securing the weapons strapped to their person, be them handguns, throwing knives, or swords, and checking their backpacks to ensure they had the supplies they needed.

Sage had already done the same. She had two handguns, holstered at her back beneath her coat, and four throwing knives sheathed around her right thigh, and a sturdier dagger sheathed at her hip. In her back she had packed spare weapons, ammunition, a bedroll, and a spare set of clothing. It wasn't determined how long they'd be staying with the outskirt-camp once they had relocated, only that they'd return to the border camp once Theo sent confirmation that the threat of ambush no longer existed.

'Hey, Captain,' said Dante, gesturing over her shoulder with a tip of his head.

Sage turned, spotting Sydney who was making her way toward them through the Crest Soldiers. She paused when she realised Sage had seen her, as if debating whether to turn back, but she seemed to harden her resolve and keep moving.

'Hey,' said Sage, surprised at Sydney's approach.

'Hi Sag-Miss Sura---' Sydney stopped herself, fumbling for the words.

Sage smiled. 'My name is still Sage, and "miss" makes me sound old,' she said, but then she leaned forward and added, 'I'm also okay if you want to call me "Sagey".'

Sydney's eyes widened slowly, and then she grinned that bright, bubbly grin Sage knew all too well. She felt another weight lift from her chest.

'I knew you hadn't changed,' said Sydney. 'Did you really try and kill the Renark though? Or did you make some secret agreement? How'd you make the Renark agree? Oh my Crest, I have so many questions!'

'I can see that,' Sage remarked.

Sydney didn't seem to hear her. 'What have you been up to this last year? We hear so many things but have no idea if they're just rumours! Did you really blow up an entire Palms outpost-camp? Have you learnt any new fighting styles? Oh! Are you and Raidan Suragi like, a real thing? Is he a good kisser?'

'Sydney!' Sage exclaimed, pulling Sydney away from the Shadow Soldiers as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. 'How about we have a nice long chat when we get back, okay?'

Sydney was laughing, which was clearly at Sage's expense. 'I'll hold you to that!' she said, but her expression sobered. She regarded Sage for a moment, her head tilting with curiosity, and said, 'You know, I think you have changed. In a good way, though.'

'How so?'

Sydney shrugged. 'I can't quite put my finger on it yet.'

'Then maybe that can be another thing we'll chat about,' said Sage. 'Hey Syd, why are Rhun and Leah out here?'

'They're escorting two injured Crest Soldiers back to the city. Did you... want to speak with them?'

Sage felt her throat tighten with apprehension, so she shook her head. 'No, that's okay. I think your squad is looking for you anyway.'

'Oh!' Sydney spun around, and then with a wave over her shoulder she made her way back to her squad amongst the other Crest Soldiers.

Sage let out a breath and then turned back to the Shadow Soldiers. She found Raidan watching her, his brow quirked. 'What is it?' she asked.

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