Oh Crickets...

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"Settle down now kids, okay here we have the nocturnal red eyed tree frog. Now can anyone tell me what nocturnal means?" The woman had wavy brown fur tied into a tail. She was apparently explaining to the mini peoples what a frog is. Weird; I though everyone knew what a frog was.

Two little minis were looking at the glass when they then saw me move toward them.

"Hey I bet you can't take the frog." The short chubby boy was poking his chubby digit at me. He said something about taking a frog. Well I sure don't wont to be that frog.

"Oh you're on! Just move the group away so I can take it without being scene." The one with the weird looking fur on his head went around somewhere. Well out of sight, out of mind. Then I heard the opening clank of the food giver. I thought it was too early to mid light snack, but it's food, you don't complain when they give it to you on a shiny surface. As I waited for the food giver to drop down some crickets I noticed the mini peoples leaving. Finally. Now I can ogle the bull frog who has been checking me out from across the gap of shields.

"That ain't no cricket! It's a snake with five mouths! Jump!" One of my rude sisters thought it would be nice to yell on top of me. Darn these siblings. Wait...what she say?

I looked over to the food giver and saw a huge moving thing coming towards me! I jumped but made a rookie mistake. Instead of jumping to safety...I jumped the into the claws of the moving thing.

"Ewww! Gross! It's so slimy! Uh oh...I think I'm gonna puke..." He was squishing me in places that not even the bull frog could see! Oh I feel so violated! HELP HELP! It's touching my secret spots!

Rib-bit! Rib-bit! "Hey what's that noise? Dude! Hurry up and shove that thing in your pocket or something! Mrs. Green is gonna hear it." The mini person has me! Ewww gross! Why is his skin all...dry! Ewww! Feels like I'm being rubbed with a tree branch! Wait I don't want to go in there! Where is my mid light snack!

The chubby mini was poking my head while I was cocooned inside the warm rough pouch of the frog napper. What is going on?! I'm more confused then that time I saw a snake slide through the invisible shield!* I poked my head out when the pouch started moving around. I was high off the ground as what I can see and lets just say their is a reason I am a frog and not a bird.

"GROSS!" The whole group of minis stopped to look at me. Oops.

"Mr. Lee? Is there something wrong?" All the minis were looking at my napper or I guess 'miss-star-leaf' weird name but whatever floats their lily pad.

"Huh. Oh..um I saw a turtle poop! Yuk! Can I go to the bathroom?!" Wow it's a natural process for everyone, I should know. Saw bull frog do it a couple times. I see no shame in letting out your waste in front of those peoples with the flashing box.

"We all went five minutes ago. You should have tried harder, Mr.Lee."

"But I didn't have to go five minutes ago! Please! I don't think I can make it!"

"Fine. Take Mr. Lyon with you." Did she just say lion! Leaping lizards these peoples are crazy! Doesn't she know he is king around here!

"Thank you! Come on Chad!" Wow! Why is the pouch shaking! I don't like this! Turn it off! I think that cricket is about to comeback up...

After the swinging dark thing closed I felt the mini grab me, might I add very roughly, and toss me on the floor.

"Dude why did you do that!" Freedom! Just keep hopping away and maybe the food giver will find me. Oh monkeys...he got me.

"That thing!" Shoving his skinny finger thing at me, "Pee-ed in my pocket! Lets flush it down the drain! Or better yet, let's squish it with my shoe!" Okay miss-star-leaf calm down. No need to panic. It was only the waters of fright and heights.

"Dude! Animal Cruelty much! If the zoo finds a dead frog in the boys bathroom right after we leave, they could find out it was us! Or even worse, they could tell our moms!" What did mini call me? An aminal? Whats aminal? What's a mom? The weird things these minis are saying.

"Hey guys! Mrs. Green wants to know what taking you so lo-WHAT IS THAT!!!" Great. Another mini. Why are they all so loud.

"Nick! Quick be quite!"

"Dude! Why do you have a frog with you that kinda looks like the ones we just saw?" I think I moved up in the evolutionary thing because I know I have to be way smarter then these minis. Obviously, I am a frog. Nothing to freak out about.

"Chad dared me to take it without anyone noticing. And then it pee-ed in my pocket! It was wet and smelly!"

"Dude don't blame this on me! You're the one that actually touched it! I hear you can warts from touching those things." Now that I know is a dirty sticking lie. What the mini said is an insult to all frogs. I AM NOT A TOAD!!! So as revenge...

"Ouch! It bit me!" Serves you right!

"Na ah! Those things don't have teeth." Another insult to my kind! That's it! Every froggy knows. Never. Mess. With. Frogs.

"Ahhh! Get it offgetitoffgetitoff! Why is his tongue stuck to me! I said get it off!". Wee! I'm flying!

"What is going on here!". That weird bigger peoples is here. Gasp! Is that a fly I see...above her her?! It is! Come over her ya little...

"Ahhhhhh! Why is there a frog on me?! Boys! I'm telling your mothers! Ahhhhh!". And I thought the monkeys were loud. Freedom! I used the peoples as leverage to reach the fly and...darn. Just a shadow. Oh well...FREEDOM!!!

"What the?! What's Shi doing out of her exhibit?! Come her Shi! Look! I got some crickets for you.". As tempting as that is food giver, freedom sounds so much better.

"No! Quick! Animal loose in the reptile house!". There is a reason I want to leave. There has to be more to live then getting fat and then pregnant. Bye bull!

All my fellow species gave me their praise and handy work. One last look at bull...well that's disappointing. What's that toad have that I don't! Men.

Who knew escaping would be so much fun? Now...where am I?


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