Attack on April!

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So this "Donnie" had this huge plan but he lost me at plan.

"Wait!...what was step number 1 again?"

"Grrr. Mikey!"

"Hey guys! I got what you asked for!"


"Oh uh...(gulp) hi April"

Why did his face change color?

"Thanks April. Okay, Mikey this is where we will come in and blah blah"

Peoples... Same as the peoples that put me in that clear shield....

"Okay! I think I got it this time! Jump to me Red eye!"


"Red eye? Really. I thought naming was your specialty."


"Uh... You guys got a...toad?"

TOAD!!!! I am not a short legged, dry, fat TOAD! Grrrrrr!


"Ahhhh! You toad is attacking me!"

Stop calling me a TOAD!!!

"Eww! It's crawling in my shirt! Get it out getitoutGET IT OUT!!! It's sooooo slimy!"

It's not slime! It is mucus!

"Actually April it's mucus"

"Donnie! Not the time!"

"Just stop moving and I will try to catch it!"

Oh so now I'm an it! That's it! You want slime! You got it!


Ahhhh...that's what you get! To the moving rock!

"What is going on here!?"

Rock. Giant rat. Rock. Giant rat...rock...

"Uh. Master splinter! Um Mikey's frog may have had an accident under April's shirt."

It wasn't an accident.

"Ewww! I'm gonna go home and shower and change! Meet you guys later!"

You better run! Hey! Put me down!

"Little dudette, you're in trouble. Why did you pee on April?"

People's called me a toad.

"Maybe it doesn't like humans?"


"What reason would the frog have to not like humans?"

What's a human?

"Maybe she was abused?! Or that's all I got."


"Perhaps she also had an owner like LH and then she was thrown out after some time."


"Who knows,but we need to get back on focus. Okay, Mikey, this is the last time we are going over the plan. Got it?"



To be continued

Woohoo! I finally updated! I wanted o get this up because I have some awesome ideas for amino awesome, and I didn't want to leave this chapter unfinished so yeah. I'm just busy with school and applications and test. Sometimes it's hard work to be a senior. Well, vote, comment, read! Love y'all!


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