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Hi guys this interview is with SellaLoveeAquaBlue hope you enjoy it, mwah xx from lolly ______________________________________________________________________________

 So, how are you?

Hey! I'm Sella! And I'm fine...Hahaa!

 So how did you hear about wattpad?

Actually one day my cousin Callie was online and she found this site called Wattpad...;D And was like "Sella! Come look at this." And that was how I discovered Wattpad.

 What made you interested in wattpad when you first saw it?

I saw that you could read books by other authors and not just fan fics and it was, no IS,so much better than Quizilla, Writer's Cafe or any other site.

 Have you always been interested in writing stories?

Kind of...I started free writing in about 6th grade...but prompts I have a bit of trouble with....

 So who encourages you to write?

Well My fans For one! But also my friends...especially my friend Monroe If I haven't uploaded one of his favorite stories in like forever he locks me in my room until I do it...He so nice right? Ha. I know.

 So how do you find time to write?

Hmmm...During the summer I can upload a lot...but like right now I really have a struggle with finding time to write...It's hard with homework and tests...And also I have a life like any other author...And I mostly write on weekends...

 So what is your favourite book, here, on wattpad?

Hmm...I have a couple is that fine? Haha! I really hate choosing one but if I have to maybe The Bet By ilurvbooks

 Who is your favourite wattpad author(s)?

My favorite authors would have to be shortstuff_01, Hater666, ilurvbooks, CLOUD48, and redzebra.

 So what would you say is your favourite story genre?

Hmmm...Probably Romantic-Comedy or a bit a werewolf mixed in.

 How would you deal with negativity towards your work?

Hmm..I just delete comments when they show up..N use dwelling on them. It's their opinion even if I don't like...If they choose to share then DELETE.

 Well what is the hardest thing you have came across since you began writing?

It would have to be...either finding time to write or writers block..

 Is your writing personal to you?

Yes, in some cases it is.

 So what advice would you give other writers?

To write your heart out and share it. No one can enjoy it if you don't. And don't shape your writing towards others opinions it's your story tell it how it is. ;)


Moving on from literature, what other things do you do?

I run cross-country in the fall, and track in the spring. I play the violin I have since I was 7. And I love to hang out with my friends.

 If you could work with any published author who would it be?

I would LOVE to work with Margret Peterson Haddix or J.K. Rowling. : D

 If you could take any of your characters out for the day who would you take? Where would you take them? And why would you take them there?

 Monica, from Yo, Mr.Quarterback. We would go to a Wal-Mart in some random state and get kicked out. Not North Dakota....I have gotten kicked out of like 5 wall-marts there. Hehe...

 What is the funniest thing that has happened to you?

The funniest thing that I have ever had happen to me which was embarrasing at the time but is way funny now...Was in grade 5 my dad came to my class to pick me up from school and was dressed as Barney...God....But it was for my little cousins bday.....

 Ok, last question, can you tell your fans a few fun facts about yourself?

-I am a Vrigo. ;) LOL

-Hmm...I once burned cereal like my character Sella from Twisted...

-I will admit to having bad grammar and am a terrible spellur. LOL


-I have a pet piranha named Squishy.

-And I work for Santa Claus during the Winter. : D

 Thanks for the interview, bye

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