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Hi guys this interview is with anonymous19 hope you enjoy it, mwah xx from lolly ______________________________________________________________________________

So, how are you?

I'm fine. I have a little brother annoying me, but that is normal...

How did you hear about wattpad?

Well, I searched up the Mark of Athena on google because I love reading fanfictions and after reading fanfictions from other websites. That was the first time I saw wattpad. I read tomwolf1029's version of the Mark of Athena and then I saw more and more

What made you interested in wattpad when you first saw it?

I always loved the wattpad stories, but people always took a LONG time to update, so I started making my own version of their stories in my head. When I found out that I could write all of my stories in my head down in a wattpad account, I started one. All of the stories I read were copyrighted, so I started two of my own stories.

So who encourages you to write?

I find writing relaxing and a break from the ups and downs of my life, so I kind of encourage myself to write, but I guess I have to give credit to my mom and my english teachers over the years. The people who encourage me to write the most are my commenters, fans, readers, etc.

So how do you find time to write?

I am a HUGE morning person (i know you are amazed!) so I wake up really early (3:00 a.m.) and write most of the stories. Other than that, I write between homework, etc.

So what is your favourite book, here, on wattpad?

I love a LOT of books, but my favorites would be...

tomwolf1029's Mark of Athena (tomwolf1029 is an amazing writer!)

YouThinkYouKnowMe's Tips and Tricks (It helps me become a better writer, etc....)

 and your Interview With Wattpad Viewers (I love to know how other wattpadder's feel about things).

Who is your favourite wattpad author(s)?

Again, I like a lot of writers, but <3 tomwolf1029 and YouThinkYouKnowMe.

So what would you say is your favourite story genre?

FANTASY!!! Sorry, but there is no question of my favorite genre. I just feel myself drawing towards something with magic in it... Two of my favorite books are "Sent" by Margret Peterson Haddix (i love her) and "Endymion Spring" by Matthew Skelton.

Are you a very versatile reader then?

I do not really know. I try to not read too many books because when I read I cannot stop until the end unless I really have to.

How would you deal with negativity towards your work?

I really do not care because I am negative towards myself too, but I would most likely ask for ways to improve my writing.

Well what is the hardest thing you have came across since you began writing?

Oh my gosh! Sorry, lots of memories. Anyway, I have a lot of troubles when writing. I can never find out when to stop a chapter because I always feel like writing more and more. Also, I have trouble with time since my mom and dad keep on disturbing me!!! GRRRRR!! Oh, sorry...

Is your writing personal to you?

As I said before, writing helps me deal with the ups and downs in life, so I hate to put limits on my stories like "20 comments and then I will write," etc. because it kind of punishes me too. Still, I like the publicity and I feel kind of selfish if I keep my writing to myself. I don't know why. I love positive feedback from people and that helps me write online even more.

So what advice would you give other writers?

I think everybody on wattpad is an AWESOME writer, but if I have to give any advice, it would be "UPDATE MORE!!!!". After joining wattpad, I realized the time issue with everybody and I hate to be nosy, but there are so many cliffhangers and I HATE CLIFFHANGERS!!!! I always want to know what happens next....


Moving on from literature, what other things do you do?

I love karate and I do bharathanatyam (Indian classical dance). I am also part of debate club and I go to school. Ha, ha, ha... (sorry, inside joke.) I sleep, and I talk a LOT!!! Seriously, I bet 32/35 of my life, I spent talking.

If you could work with any published author who would it be?

Margret Peterson Haddix. She probably would not find a 13 year old interesting and my books (A Drop of Recarnation and The Mark of Athena (my version)) dog poo compared to hers, but I LOVE HER BOOKS. I love the fantasy in them and how she somehow makes the character connect to you in a way that you feel that you are that character. Her books are so interesting and she twists reality so that there may be magic in this world!!!!

If you could take any of your characters out for the day who would you take? Where would you take them? And why would you take them there?

I would take Isabella from a Drop of Recarnation with me to the beach because I love water. Every summer, I do swim team for the fun of it and I LOVE it! Also, I feel that Isabella is the most like me. She is what I want to be.

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you?

Hmmm.. I have had a LOT of funny things happen to me, but the funniest is... I cannot decide. Anyway, one time, my friends and I went to the Corpus Christi beach in high tide with our regular clothes on. Two of my friends did not want to go into the beach and wanted to go to the motel where there was TV. Anyway, my other two friend and I went into the water and we got soaked! First, we just slowly got deeper and deeper into the water and we were hiding behind each other. Then, the person I was hiding behind jerked and I got fully wet. Everybody looked at us like we were crazy. The funniest part was when we realized we were never supposed to get wet, so we stood with our arms out shouting, "I BELIEVE I CAN DRY!" Then a huge wave would splash onto us and we would laugh like crazy!

Ok, last question, can you tell your fans a few fun facts about yourself?

I am weird, as you already know, but I am also very picky with food. I almost never try anything new and I do not really like a lot of things... Some things I do not really like are dark chocolate (tastes like coffee to me), coffee (too bitter), most chocolate like m&m's (shocking, rite?), any pie, pears, oranges, mac and cheese, veggie patties, any meat (i am a vegetarian), etc.

Still, do not judge what I eat with how I write!!!

Anything else you would like to say to your fans or anyone?

Thank you for reading my stories. You make me feel special and motivate me to write more and more each day. Please do not stop reading my stories... Also, a special thank you to YouThinkYouKnowMe for being the first one to show their appreciation to my work in wattpad... You showed me the world of wattpad with confidence and pride, as if I was your BFF.


Thanks for the interview :) xx

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