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Hi guys this interview is with Snowdrop07 hope you enjoy it, mwah xx from lolly __________________________________________________________________________

So, how are you?

I'm fine, thanks.

How did you hear about wattpad?

I actually used to spend a lot of time reading and correcting people's attempts at writing on Yahoo Answers - Books and Authors, and a few people put in links to their stories on Wattpad. So I had a look around and started reading something, then told my friend HannahBourne1, and she made an account, and persuaded me to make one to, so here I am!

What made you interested in wattpad when you first saw it?

I think it was probably the fact that I could read stories for FREE by people like me. I was actually a bit hesitant at first to post a story up, because of plagarism, but I realised how much I wanted feedback, and people to appreciate my stories.

Have you always been interested in writing stories?

Well, when I was little I used to make up stories in my mind, but I only started writing them down when I was about twelve, and sometimes a bit earlier for school. Then I found out how much I loved it!

So who encourages you to write?

My Mum, although I've banned her from reading my Wattpad stories, but she probably reads them anyway. I'm actually also in the middle of writing a non-Wattpad story, which must have been passed around the whole of my extended family! My Mum, Dad, my Grandma (a keen poet and massive fan of my story and poem I showed her, too), my Grandad, and Grannie in particular. Also, my best friends HannahBourne1, flyingsquirrels and NinjaKoalas (who also write, so check them out!) who I go to school with, and who also appear in my stories as characters. I'm not sure what they would do if I didn't post, but I don't want to find out! I'm also a big fan of bands like Evanescence, My Chemical Romance and 30 Seconds To Mars, who inspire me to write. Lots of other singers and bands, too, but I won't bore you with the whole list!

So how do you find time to write?

I generally ditch my homework and family time to write. I know, I know, I just love reading and writing! No seriously, most days I just spend hours iny bedroom on my laptop, going on Wattpad. My family gets really annoyed about it! :P

So what is your favourite book, here, on wattpad?

You mean I have to pick ONE book?! Oh great, um... I really can't decide. Possibly Anathema (Book One In The Cloud Prophet Trilogy), Finding Neverland, Inevitably Unfortunate, A Blood Moon, Guardian Academy, The Last Dance, or A Hundred Tears In The Sunset. I can't decide between them. Oh, and all of my friends HannahBourne1, Flyingsquirrels, and NinjaKoalas' books! If anyone likes MCR, just read HannahBourne1's and Flyinsquirrels's numerous fan fics!

Who is your favourite wattpad author(s)?

As for authors, basically the authors of those books I just mentioned.

So what would you say is your favourite story genre?

My favourite genres are Fantasy, Adventure, and also possibly Historical Fiction. Oh, and Romance. You find it everywhere!

Are you a very versatile reader then?

Yeah, I'd say I'm pretty versatile, as long as the book isn't R-rated, or unless it is a Justin Bieber or One Direction fan fic! Oh, and I get bored of the sheer amount of Draco Malfoy fan fictions. Don't get me wrong, I think  the HP series was epic, but there are so many of them! Draco Malfoy would never go out with a muggle, nor Hermione! Okay, I'll stop the rant now....

How would you deal with negativity towards your work?

As for negativity, as long as it's constructive I'm actually quite happy to have it. I'd rather people be honest. However... if it's just a load of crap about how they hate my book, with no constructive element, then I'd probably ignore it. Or if I'm in bitch mode, I'd reply back with some snappy comment or other. Depends how I feel at the time, I guess.

Well what is the hardest thing you have came across since you began writing?

Um... the hardest thing was probably when just no-one read my book. Or when I feel a lack of inspiration to carry on. Not so much writer's block, as not being bothered to carry on. Actually, I still feel that about 'Her Last Wave Goodbye'. However, 'Sorceress Of The Deep' is still going strong!

Is your writing personal to you?

My writing isn't always personal, but it is sometimes. Like the characters have some element of myself in, but are never exactly like me.

Why is your writing personal to you?

Alumina from 'Sorceress of the Deep' is like me when I'm in a bad mood, but more exaggerated. Flora from 'Her Last Wave Goodbye' is shy and loves books like me, but we are actually very different. My poetry is always personal, but not so much in 'Burning Frost'. I actually only post about half of the poetry I write on Wattpad, becase the rest is either too soppy, too dramatic, unrealistic, depressing (but no, I don't have a hard life) or just too personal to me. Oh, and the family relationships in the stories are very different to mine.

So what advice would you give other writers?

So, onto advice... PROOF READ YOUR WORK FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!! And be original. :)


Moving on from literature, what other things do you do?

I listen to music whenever I can, I draw sometimes, and make book covers for people on Wattpad. I love hanging out with my friends, and seeing films, also.

If you could work with any published author who would it be?

If I could work with any published author, it would either be JK Rowling, Suzanne Collins, or Christopher Paolini. But I doubt that would ever happen. :(

If you could take any of your characters out for the day who would you take? Where would you take them? And why would you take them there?

Haha, probably Alumina, but she'd almost certainly hate me, and also probably set me alight for good measure. I have no idea where we'd go... maybe to the seaside on a stormy day, as she likes that kind of thing. I bet she'd ditch me and fly away across the sea, though. Oh well.

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you?

Ooh, that's a hard one. So many funny and stupid things happen to me! Well... once when me and my friends were walking out of school, they were singing a song from Charlie The Unicorn (don't ask!) and one of the teachers passed us and said 'That was lovely, girls!' and we burst out laughing! But all sorts of random things happen to us, like NinjaKoalas sticking her hand through the bookcase in the school library, and scaring Hannahbourne1 and Flyingsquirrels, and NinjaKoalas nicking everyone's stuff, and poking Flyingsqurrels until she squeals. Just general random stuff like that. Did you know, if you laugh a lot regularly, it makes you live longer? :D Well, I'm going to live forever! Wow, that would be so ironic if I died...

Ok, last question, can you tell your fans a few fun facts about yourself?

Random facts:

1. I'm 13

2. I hate Justin Bieber.

3. I will get mad if you don't use correct spelling and grammar... even if you are talking to me on that little chat box thing.

4. I love alternative rock, indie rock, and generally rock, but not hardcore or screamo.

5. I'm very random! But you probably have figured that out by now...

Anything else you would like to say to your fans or anyone?

Oh, and to my fans: thanks! xxx You have no idea how much reading my stories means to me!!! :D

Thanks for the interview :) xx

No, thank you! :D

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