Check out my new (original) story!

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Warning: This story is dark, and has violence, death, Possible Zombies, and may contain triggers.

My father always told me that when I run, I should never, ever, under any circumstances look back. For a long time to me, it was just a thing that we said to each other.

For him, it was a life lesson. Telling me to never look back on my past, because if I do, I could trip. But I hadn't known that at the time.

Both of our perspectives meant something to the other, but that's not really what this story is about. It's about survival. How looking back could kill you faster than you can run.


The smashing of glass. the screeching of tires. The screams of my 5-year-old sister in the seat next to me. That's the part that keeps playing over and over in my mind. Not the fires. Not my mom laying on the side of the road, blood pooling around her, the breath in her lungs gone. Not my father telling me to take my sister and run as far and as fast as I could. Just the crash. But I don't even know what I'm running from, or why.

"Help me." A middle-aged woman says underneath some rubble. I want to stop and help, but I can't. There are still screams coming from behind me, where I left my parents. As I run with Melody in my arms I tell her to keep her eyes closed. I don't know what's back there, and I don't want her to either. I can hear her weeping softly as I go and I too want to cry. I want to let myself fall to the ground and cry until whatever I'm running from catches up to us. But I can't. I need to keep going.

Every step I take I feel like I am closer and closer to an end. To be able to stop. But I know it's not true. I must keep going. There are others running from the unknown beside me, some holding small children, most being children themselves. I see one ahead of me scoop up a small boy, and continue to run with him. I don't exactly know where I am anymore, just that I need to get to safety.

An explosion comes from behind me, shaking what feels like the entire world, and I know that, if he wasn't already, my father is dead. I barely can see anymore. The tears that were falling before unnoticed have not tripled.

"This way!" I hear a girl's voice ring out. Not knowing what else to do or where else to go, I find the voice and follow a girl, no older than 15, to a building along with a few other children, including the boy I saw earlier picking up the small one.

We run into the building and the girl bolts the door behind us. I look around and see that there are at least thirty other people near my age and younger, not including the almost twenty of us that just came in. Melody is shaking and weeping, clutching tightly to my sweatshirt. I fall to my knees and hold her as close as I can, crying also. I rarely ever cry. The last time I did my grandfather passed away. I hold my sister as close as I can, stroking her back trying to calm us both down.

"What the hell were those things!" I hear a male voice shout, and I presume that it is the boy from earlier. I'm guessing he caught a glimpse of what we were running from.

"Monsters!" I hear a new voice shout "Horrible, Horrible monsters that you never want to face! Ones that you dream about in your deepest, scariest dreams! Ones that kill everything they touch and burn where they stand!" By now the tears have stopped, and I'm just on the floor holding my sobbing sister, completely heartbroken, rocking back and forth. I can't speak. I can't even cry. I just feel empty.

"Well, what are they?" The boy yells again, but it is mostly drained out by my thoughts. I try to process everything that has just happened. I've lost both my parents, I have no idea where the hell I am, I need to take care of my sister, I was saved by a girl around the same age as me. Ok. Simple. Sorta.

"There's no time to argue! Get everybody up and follow me! NOW!" The girl who had saved us yells. 


To continue reading in 'looking back' go to the full book. it's in my works, just a few clicks(or taps) away! It's an apocalypse book I guess. I just randomly though of it while in the shower so I decided to put it all together!  I know that this is sorta self-advertising, but I originally was just going to have a short story about a young girl or boy trying to help this group of younger people survive the apocalypse, but you know, things happen and bloom into more.
Have a marvelous day!

~trish <3

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