Random sorta slam poem??

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I'm not sure what this is but I kinda dig it so I'm going to post it????

There's this cute girl in my office who comes around once every week with a little USB on a pink lanyard. 

She plugs it into every computer.

One by one. 

Gathering Data like a bee collecting pollen. 

It only takes a minute

And how I wish it would take an hour

Or a day

Or a year

Or a lifetime. 

Her movements throughout the floor are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. 

The way she moves is like a leaf floating on top of a gentle river. 

The way she sometimes gets flustered when someone didn't do all the work they were assigned. 

The way she smiles politely when she says 'thank you' after gathering data from someone's computer. 

I'm in love with the cute girl with the bright pink lanyard that comes around once a week. 

But I could never tell her. 

Her smile lights up the room.

Her hair is the colour of sand.

Her eyes are the colour of the sea on a cloudy day.

All these things, I wish I could say I noticed about her. 

But she is far out of my reach, somewhere I cannot go. 

I wish I could sail that ocean and reach out to her,

but I cannot build a good enough boat to get to her. 

I wish I could send her a letter to tell her,

But I fail to speak out to her. 

For, you see, her smile may light up the room;

But I am in a different house.

Her hair may be the colour of sand;

But I can never go to that beach.

Her eyes may be the colour of the ocean on a cloudy day;

But I have never known the sea.

For who could love me

When I am just a girl 

With a smile that rarely ever sees the sun

With ugly blonde hair that's been dyed seven times

With eyes that are a dull blue that looks nothing like water but more like disappointments and sorrow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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