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So, as some people know, it is said that your birthmarks are how you died in your past life. I have one on each of the back of my knees, and one on my back near where my heart is. So, I've come up with this story on how I died. It's set quite a while ago, centuries in fact. probably near the viking age(793ish-1066ish), You'll understand why after you read it. I will be using my current name (Patricia), mainly because I'm to lazy to think of another one, and also my brother's name, Edward because I needed more characters.

"They've gone this way!" a voice shouts from behind me, no doubt a guard that's chasing after me and my older brother, Edward. Why are we running? Well, you see, we're thieves. That's right, good old-fashioned thieves. I distract the people most of the time, while my brother extracts the goods. Mostly it's just little things like food or coin purses, just so we can get by, but this time we may have gone a bit far. 

The other day while we were doing our usual run of the marketplace, you know, pick pocketing and whatnot, we heard some people talking about how a very rich jarl-that's kinda like the leader of a city- was going through our little town. So, me and my brother decided that we would sneak into the inn that he was staying at for the night and steal some things to make some extra coin. Edward was trying to get this new dagger from the blacksmith, and I wanted some new books that weren't stolen and/or found in the trash.  

So anyways, we form a plan that Edward will distract them by asking to join the guard of their city, and I will sneak into the jarl's room. After, of course, we steal the key. That won't be to hard though, the innkeeper is an old man that falls asleep around seven at night. So when the sun sets and the town settles down, we go into the inn as quiet as a mouse. I crouch behind the counter of the inn, careful not to be seen and take the key. I signal to my brother to start distracting the guards, and wait until they start talking. Then I make my move. I move lightly behind the guards back, and unlock the door before soundlessly slipping in. 

The room is mostly dark, but there's a candle on the nightstand next to the sleeping jarl. I move through the room, looking for anything of value. There's a small satchel on the desk near the door, and I look through it, only finding a bunch of scrolls and paper. So I move to the dresser and quietly slide it open. There's a coin bag in there, but it only has about forty gold pieces in it. maybe enough for a book or two, but no where near enough for the dagger that Edward wants. I continue my search and find more gold, a couple rings and necklaces, and a fancy quill. As soon as I'm satisfied with my collection of goods, I take one more scan around the room, just to make sure. Just when I'm about to turn around, my eye catches something metal around the jarl's neck. It looks to be a silver and diamond necklace! I tiptoe over to the bed and examine it, judging if it'd be worth taking. Sold to the right person, that could give up enough to buy the dagger, and at least twelve books!

I lightly twist it so that the clasp is reachable, and unclasp it. As I admire the beautiful necklace, I. Sneeze. The jarl is awoken by this, and looks at me with anger. 

"Please! Mr. Jarl sir, I can explain!" I say quickly 

"GUARDS!" He yells, and I take no time at all to run out of there as quickly as I can. I manage to get past the angry guards, grab my brother's hand, and bolt out of the inn. 

"What the hell happened?" He says as we run. 

"I sneezed and woke the jarl." I Say, nearing the border of the town. We hop the fence and run into the woods, swerving around trees. I can hear voices behind me, and footsteps. 

And that pretty much brings us to the current time, me and my brother running, being chased by guards. 

"This way!" He says, and I follow. But we are instantly faced with more guards. 

"RUN!" I say, and turn around quickly. Then I feel it. A sharp pain in the back of my left knee. I crumble to the ground and Edward comes rushing back to me.  Lifting me up, we continue running to the best of my ability. I look at my leg and see that a red-feathered arrow is lodged in the back of my knee. Just then, I feel another sharp pain in the back of my other knee. I fall to the ground, landing on my knees as Edward continues running. I starts to come back to me, but an arrow strikes him through. Right in the head. I scream out his name, as he falls backwards. My brother, who had been my only family for so long, just got shot in the head because of my mistake. I scream, but stop when I start to feel a warm liquid go down my back. I look down, and the tip of an arrow is coming out of my chest. 

"No." I quietly say, starting to cough up blood. I fall over onto my stomach and continue to choke on my own blood. I no longer feel the pain, just numbness. My eyes begin to close, and the last thing I see is my best friend's dead body laying next to me. 

So there it is! My birthmark story. Yeah, I know it's unlikely for me to get hit in the back of both knees, but it matches my freaking birthmarks so deal with it. I kinda based this off of skyrim a bit, if you couldn't tell. 

So, what'd you guys think? Do you  have any birthmarks? If so, let me know in the comments! Have a lovely day my cinnamon rolls!

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