See ya around, prongs

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"See ya around, potter." Remus Lupin says at the end of their first year.

"If you're lucky." James smiles back, pushing his cart away.

"See ya around." He says at the end of their second, third, and fourth year. 

"If you're lucky." James always replies with his usual smile.

"See ya around." He says when he leaves like he usually does each month, and like always, James replies with his usual words. 

At the end of their 7th and final year, at king's cross Remus says his usual "See you around, prongs." 

"If you're lucky, Moony." James replies, a bit sadly, knowing that this will be the last time coming home from Hogwarts. 

Years pass, and James gets married and has a child, Harry. The potters go into hiding, but are found and killed. Lupin kneels beside Lily and James' graves and cries.

"See ya around, prongs." He says, his voice cracking. And for once, there's no reply.

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