|°•Part 1•°|

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Skylar pov**

I woke up and stretched. I looked over at my phone to check time.


I sighed and got out of bed. As soon as my feet touched the floor it warmed up. We may be under cover but we still live in style. I took a quick shower and got dressed. Today was the day i was gunna show myself to my crush but wasn't gunna talk to him i was gunna wait till he talked to me. I looked in the mirror one last time anxious.

"Where you goin?" I heard daddy say behind behind me.

"No where" I said without turning around.

"Then why you all dressed up? Where did you get those clothes anyway? You are only to wear your mission ,practice, around the house outfits and outside of that is pajama's "He said making me sigh.

"I just wanted to look pretty to go to grandma's house..Is that too much to ask for?" I said pretending to tear up making his face fall.

"Ight go,but be back in an hour"He said making me smile.

"Thanks daddy"i grabbed my BMW keys and grabbed my purse.


I sat in the car waiting for the cars to start pulling up i was scrolling thru the pictures i had of him. I was nervous , maybe like any other teenage girl around their crush. I saw his truck pull up and that made my hands sweaty and my heartbeat increase. Seriously how do girls deal with this? I decided to bring my purse and leave my gun , just to be safe. I got out and walked to the bushes. I waited for him and his friends to get out. Once they all were posted i made my move. I got in eye sight and walked slowly past him to make sure he saw me. I was looking at my phone acting like I was doing something.

"Look at her" Marcus danely said making everyone look in my direction. I leaned up against my car but made sure I could still hear them.

"DAAAAAAMNN"Danny Crupler and Tyler Sunly said. Danny's girlfriend Brittney Sull rolled her eyes and so did her sister Brianna. I slightly smirked and looked up. Danny was speaking to brittney,like they were argueing. Marcus and brittney were flirting and Tyler was staring at me.

"Aye come here"he said and I furrowed my brows.

" You can come to me" I said crossing my arms. He smirked and walked over to me.

"Hi" I said with a smirk looking up at him.

"Wassup,you new?" He asked pointing to the school.

" I don't know yet , I got an offer from Acler Academy and , here , Deepson Academy. So i'm takin tours" I said obviously lying , my mom homeschools me while my dad trains me and my grandparents show me the backgrounds of running a trap.

"Oh , well I hope you pick this school" He said and I smirked.

"Why? So far from what I seen acler is wayy better " I said and he grabbed my hand.

"So the school with no me is better?" He said making me smile.

"Yes now , I have to get going..maybe I'll see you around " I said about to open my car door but he stopped me.

"Let me give you my number and you give me yours" He said pulling out his phone.I pulled out my iphone 5s and handed it to him. I put my number in.

" I'll talk to you later ma " He said smirking.

"Same" I said getting in my car. I watched him walk off and drove off estatic.


"Where you really been ? " Dad  said making me freeze. I finished tieing up my combat boots to my practice outfit. I pulled my braid to the side of my head and on my shoulder.

"At Papi and Mami house" I said jelling down my edges.

"They called to see if you come over later, I said just do what you gotta do while she's there now but they said you weren't there. So where the fuck were you?" He asked. It scared me a bit because Daddy never curses at me.

"I went to get more information on the Capaldi case"

"Ok so what did you get on him?"He asked crossing his arms across his chest looking me and down.

"Nothing but that he loves strippers and smoking cigars "I replied. It wasn't a lie. That man was a perverted smoke.

"Ight. Next time don't lie to me. Yo moms was scared and was yellin at me" He said making me laugh.

"C'mon lets get started" He said letting me out first. I knew it was so he can look around my room.

So overprotective.


I forked some chicken on my plate and ate it. I scooped up some macaroni about to put it in my mouth when momma spoke.

"Why you so quiet sky?"momma said eating some of her salad. I'm not sure when but she became a vegitarian a while ago.

"No reason..but i have a question" I said and he and dad looked up giving me their full attention.

"Can i go to school?" I asked and Daddy nearly choked on his Sprite.

"No Skylar and you know why" Momma said.

"But I could go under a different name and-"

"NO! HELL NO!" Daddy yelled and I jumped a little.

"Yes sir" I said looking back down in my food.

"Can i be excused?" I asked  holding back my tears.

"No. Eat your food" Daddy said. Momma sighed and placed her hand on his.

"Calm down Jay, Go ahead baby" Momma said looking at me with a soft smile.  I kept my head down as I left the room.I flopped on my bed as tears streamed down my face.

"Babygirl, I'll expect to see you early in the morning me and your Mom want to speak with you" Daddy yelled thru the door. Once i heard their door shut I let the teams stream more.


~Baby Bear✌

Thugger Thugger {Book 2} Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora