Chapter Nineteen: Shattered

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A/N: I apologize in advance for any potential feels caused by this chapter. :(  

AUTHOR'S POV             

Larry stands in disbelief at the scene before him. He can't help but think that had it not been for him walking in when he did this was for sure to go further. Laurent can't believe what's happening either. It's almost as if he stepped outside of himself and is watching everything. He never imagined that what was suppose to be a simple conversation with Ashley would turn out to be a heated make out session and to see the look on Larry's face in this moment is doing quite a number on his heart. Laurent's face morphs into the most devastating expression because even though they're some distance a part Laurent can clearly see tears building in Larry's eyes. Ashley's look is that of confusion as she watches what's in front of her. Eventually Larry shakes his head to get out of his state and tries his best to not give his feelings away and act normal...but that's impossible. He quickly spins around and runs towards the door to which Laurent starts to go after him but then he realizes that will only cause suspicion with Ashley so he stops. He can feel tears filling his eyes as the door slams shut...  

Ashley: "Is he ok"?

Laurent doesn't even hear her as he continues to look towards the door...still desperate to run after him...

Ashley: "Laurent"?

Finally jolted from his thoughts he discreetly wipes his tears then turns to look at her...

Laurent: "Ashley I need you to leave".

Ashley: "Why"? 

Laurent: "Look, I was trying to tell you that I don't want a relationship with you. I just wasn't sure how to do that because I didn't want to hurt you and...." 

Laurent stops speaking when he realizes the irony of the situation. This whole time he was afraid to tell her in fear that it would hurt her feelings yet the one person he would give his right arm to save from pain is the one who ended up getting hurt...  

Ashley: "And what Laurent"?

Laurent: "I'm in love with someone else. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lead you on but you need to go and never call me again". 

Ashley: "Laurent, I...."

Laurent: "Just go Ashley. Now"!

Ashley jumps slightly at the force of Laurent's words then slowly bends down to pick up her shirt and put it on... 

Ashley: "Ok. I'll go".

Laurent says nothing. He just walks to the door to open it then waits for her to walk through it. She slowly picks up her purse and walks even slower to the door causing Laurent to become anxious because he really needs to get Larry back. Once on the porch she turns around...

Ashley: "You take care of yourself Laurent".

Laurent: "Yeah. You too".

He shut the door and immediately runs to his phone to get the love of his life back...


Larry can barely drive as he's in tears, not to mention in such a state of shock at what he saw. Just when he thought they were moving forward together this happened and what makes it worse is he knew. He wouldn't get such a strong feeling on the plane otherwise. He recalled the moment he pulled up and saw the strange car but he just shrugged and thought it was simply a guest of one of their neighbors. It wasn't until he walked in their apartment and saw Ashley's purse that he realized something was going on so imagine how he felt when he turned the corner and saw the lips of the man who's supposed to belong to him locked with someone else. It literally felt like a thousand knives stabbing him all over his body. Becoming even more emotional at this point he decides the best place to go is mama's house. He's sure she's asleep but since he has a key he will just creep in and make his way to his old room...their old room...  

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