Chapter Twenty-One: Groom-Zilla

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A/N: Ok guys. So if you ever watched or heard of the show 'Bridezillas' then you know that's what inspired this chapter only this is going to be more humorous than craziness. With all the drama they've been through there really needed to be a chapter like this and hopefully you all get a nice laugh out of it. Happy Reading! :)        


The special location Laurent set up for Larry's surprise proposal is now filled with silence as Larry is still trying to process what just happened. What he thought was going to be a night of dining, perhaps more lovemaking, turned out to be more than he could ever have imagined. Of course after something as beautiful and magical as this how can lovemaking not be on the list? In fact, part of Larry is eager to get Laurent home so they can get to it...but they have the rest of their lives to make love. This is a moment to be treasured...

Laurent: *smile* "Bebe? Say something".

Larry: "I'm just so...."

Laurent: "Surprised"?

Larry: "Yeah baby. When I read your letter this morning I didn't think it would be something like this". *pause* "It was so beautiful it took my breath away. Thank you".

Laurent: "Welcome bebe".

Laurent places a kiss on Larry's lips and they embrace for a few moments before releasing and gazing into each others eyes again. Then... 

Larry: *smile* "So this is why you've been acting so strange lately"?

Laurent: *laugh* "Yeah. I'm sorry. I know you were upset last night but I couldn't give it away bebe".

Larry: "It's oki Laurent. This is so special it doesn't even matter". *kiss* "I love you".

Laurent: "I love you too". 

After one more kiss Larry looks lustfully into Laurent's eyes and with a voice dripping in seduction...

Larry: "Let's go home now".

It doesn't take long for Laurent to pick up on all that seduction so he smirks and gladly agrees. The car that dropped Larry off is still outside waiting for them so they leave the building and eagerly get in. Trying his best to sound normal and not like the horny nut basket he is right now Larry speaks to the driver...

Larry: "Home please. Hurry". 

Laurent: "Yes. Please hurry". 

After a head nod the driver complies and quickly takes off. Now imagine how difficult it is for the two of them to sit at their respective windows and look out of them when what Laurent really wants to do is pull Larry on his lap and get started right there in the back seat. Thankfully home isn't far away...that still won't stop either of their legs from bouncing out of control. On the way they give each other intense looks. Laurent's eyes are saying, "You're in trouble" while Larry's eyes are responding, "bring it on. I'm ready for it"...  

Finally they're pulling up and before the car even came to a complete stop Larry is getting out and running to unlock the door...

Laurent to driver: "Thank you for everything. Be safe".

The driver doesn't even have the chance to respond before Laurent is jumping out of the car and running to catch up with Larry. Once inside Larry places his keys on the table and no sooner than he turns around Laurent is crashing his lips onto his. Just like the previous day they start taking each other's clothes off only they will back themselves into the closest bedroom instead of going at it on the couch. Once inside Larry kicks the door closed, pulls Laurent's pants down and pushes him down on the edge of the bed. Laurent can't even blink before Larry is on his knees and giving him an insane blow job. Laurent lightly tugs at Larry's fro as he guides his head all while biting his lip as he watches Larry work his member. Now obviously Laurent has received love like this from Larry before but it's something about this moment that makes him realize that this particular erotic session is going to be vastly different from previous ones. It's something about the way Larry looks into Laurent's eyes as he sucks and how his mouth seems to have more vigor to it. Unable to take the intensity of it Laurent is nearing his first climax of the evening so he replies as such...

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