chapter six

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Camila's POV

All through the night, Demi's question haunted me. It's the girl isn't it? Yes, it's the girl. She makes me feel things I never thought I could feel. She starts a fire in my heart every time we make eye contact, which usually results in her tearing her gaze away. She sets fireworks off in my body every time she just so much as skims my skin. It's amazing what she can do to me although we just met a week ago.

It's now morning and I can't look Demi in the eye.  I'm trying to keep my distance from Lauren because I know Demi has caught onto my feelings for her, and I don't want Demi to say anything about it in front of Lauren.

I know how I feel about Lauren; that's not the problem.   The problem is that I don't know if she feels the same way about me.

Lauren's POV

Camila's keeping her distance from me and I don't like it.  I don't know why she suddenly can't look me in the eye.  Just yesterday she stopped Demi from killing me, and today she won't even look in my direction.

And it hurts.  It hurts because even though she starts a fire in my heart and sets off fireworks in my body, I like it.  I like crushing and I like feeling this way.  Every time she looks me in the eye and I feel the shivers sent down my spine, I know it's worth it.

Maybe I can't do anything about the way I feel about Camila because we're in the Games, but at least I know she feels the same way about me.  If I can't have her, at least I know I'd be able to if these weren't the circumstances.

Camila's POV

There's a rift between me and Lauren, and we both know it.  Michael, Demi, Shawn, and Justin know it, too.  It's not helping.  I need to get away because I don't know how to deal with conflict.

"This isn't working," I tell Shawn when Lauren steps out of the rock for a moment.

"So what are we gonna do?" he asks.

I know we could leave with Michael and Demi or branch out on our own, but branching out doesn't sound very good considering Michael and Demi are two of the best fighters here, and Shawn and I need them.

"Demi, would you care to join me to find some fresh water?" I ask Demi.

"Sure," Demi replies. 

We make our way over to the stream not too far from the rock.

"You were right.  Justin and Lauren aren't helping us at all," I confess.

"I told you.  All they've done is sit in the rock and eat the food we've found.  We're better than them.  We don't need them," Demi says.

"I want to leave tonight.  Once Justin and Lauren fall asleep, I think we should leave.  I don't want to kill Justin or Lauren because neither are a threat to us as of now.  I just think we'll be better off on our own," I tell Demi.

But what Demi doesn't know is that once we take down some of the other competitors, I'm gonna kill both her and Michael.  I'm gonna make my way back to Lauren no matter what.

Lauren's POV

It's really disappointing to open my eyes and find Camila gone.  Michael, Demi, and Shawn are gone as well, but I don't care about them.  I care that Camila's gone, and I care that she left without an explanation.

"Justin," I say, tapping his shoulder.  His eyes flutter open.  "They're gone.  Camila, Demi, the others, they're gone.  It's just you and me now."

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