Best Sex...(Nakia&Prod)

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You and Prod have been having sex none stop for weeks now...

 Prod:You know you want this*grinds*

Kia:Yes I do*bites lip*

 Prod:Well co-(GCO)

Get it get it get it get it  

She popping and dropping it

Only dancing for that poffer
Shake it faster than an ostrich
Ill rock it sock it bop it
Bend it over I'mma show you how a real nigga [?]
Beat it down like a rumble when im done make you stumble
Then we go crazy let me so them hips twirl
Put you on my shoulders do some shit to make your toes curl

Nakia:*Answers phone*Hello

??:Hello this is Principal Malli and I wanted to inform you that your child has got into a fight and he needs to get picked up from school.

Nakia:Ok Ill make sure he gets picked up

PrincipalM:Ok Bye Mrs.Crippen*Hangs Up*

Nakia:Im going to get Justin...*Gets keys*

Prod:When you get home we are going to continue this converstaion*Kisses her deeply*

Nakia:*Moans and kisses back*Ok baby see you later*walks off and stops*Ima call my momma so she can pick him up


KM:Yes child what do you want?

Kia:Can you pick up Zikea(Z-I-KIA) and Justin

KM:I guess are they-(GCO)

Kia:Yes for..hold on*Mutes phone*Baby for how long?

Prod:Til tomorrow

Kia:Ok..*Unmutes phone*Til tomorrow ok bye*Hangs up*

##30 Minutes Later##

Prod takes off EVERYTHANG and you do the same...

Prod:I know you ready to make another babygirl

Kia:Yes I am. I waaant YOOOO AHH YES!!!

Prod:Ummm baby


Prod:Where did you get that dildo from

Kia:Thats for when you are away from me *Throws the dildo on the floor and grabs Prod*I want you bad

Kia has her legs open and Prod slides in and starts pumping hard and fast.Kia starts to cum and moan louder.Yall go at it for about to the next moring....


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