The inspectors and Ms Xang

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(A/N) hey people of watty, just to let you know how pleased I am that this story is getting loads of reads and vomments! (well for me) I appreciate everyone of my fans so thank you!I am also enjoying writing this story, now over the next few chapters some very weird things/coincidences are going to occur so keep your eye out and maybe you could try and guess who some of the characters might be etc etc?? – wild_fire  xoxoxox

Clarissa and I chatted for a while during lessons and through lunch, we talked especially on the second to last period, with her desk being in front of mine. Although Liam’s face seemed a tad grumpy. It was a little unfair that I get the blame just for making the new girl feel welcome; even if I already knew her. I could have more than one good friend if I wanted. It shouldn’t make Liam jealous.

A few inspectors from off stead walked into the classroom at that very moment, silently whispering to each other. There were three of them, one was a tiny woman who looked like she was in her mid forties, she had a very respectable uniform on and had thick, rich brown hair in a tiny bob.

The second inspector was a man, and standing next to the shorter woman made him look very tall. This man looked slightly older with a firm strict expression, wrinkles on his brow, glasses and a classic moustache. Both of them looked like the average off stead inspectors.

Then the third one walked in, she was strikingly different and did not look as cliché as the other two. She looked younger, perhaps in her late twenties or early thirties. She was a slightly bigger lady and had dyed dark red hair that was tied up loosely, with odd ringlets of hair falling out of place. She wore a red and brown bandana; which I wasn’t totally sure if school inspectors were allowed. She looked as if she had a nose piercing yet it had been taken out, she also wore three ear piercings, two on the ear lobe and one at the top. The corners of her mouth were turned up into a slight grin and her brown eyes sparkled in such a way to give her an aurora of spirituality and mystery.

The three of them sat at the back of the classroom with a jotter pad and pencil, scribbling down random words and comments. The teacher gave them a smile and a nod but carried on talking to the class as normal. When we had all settled down one, the ‘quirky’ inspector came over. She asked Liam a few questions about the work and how he felt about the school. She had a nice husky voice when she spoke. I listened to their conversation for a while, until I zoned out and carried on with my work.  Then her she turned her head round to me.

For a second it looked like her eyes had filled with fear, but within a split second it had vanished.

“Joy?” She asked with an interested tone. How did she know my name? I thought, and simply what was it with people knowing my name and repeating it like that, today?

“Sorry, how do you know my name?” I asked, frowning with confusion.

“Ah, your friend Liam has just been saying about how much you love this school, I thought you would have heard us talking.” She told me, kneeling by my desk.

A smile spread across my face. “Oh, right, Sorry. Yes I do love this school, it’s very friendly here, for me and yes, I am really enjoying it.”

“Awesome” She piped, winking at me as she got up from her knees.

She wrote something down on her jotter pad but before she went to sit down again, she turned around to glance at me with the fear back in her eyes. The glance was very quick; but not quick enough for me not to notice. Strange.

When the bell rang the inspectors got up to leave as did the students. Luckily it was the last lesson next, although neither Clarissa or Liam were sharing it with me.

English whizzed by as I got caught up writing an interesting piece of writing, about being stranded on an island and being the only survivor. I loved writing it was one of my passions.

So the bell rang telling everyone it was the end of the day and I walked over to the form room when I noticed Liam talking away to the inspector who had come over to us earlier. When he saw me he muttered something to her which she smiled at, and with that they parted.

Liam strolled over to me with a huge grin on his face as we walked into the classroom.

“So what was that about?” I asked.

“Ah, well I just found out some interesting things about our lady inspector!” Liam said while raising his eyebrows.

“And what would that be?” I questioned just as Clarissa joined my side.

“Well.” Liam started. “She is known as Ms Xang, she has a day job as a school inspector, but did you know she is a gypsy and lives in one of those caravans?”

“No.” I honestly replied, beside me Clarissa’s face lit up with interest.

“Yeah, well anyway.” Liam carried on. “She’s one of those really cool gypsies with those crystal balls, she does readings and everything! She invited me to come along in the evening to her caravan, with a few mates if I wanted, so your coming tonight, right?”

“Thanks but no thanks” I said, I didn’t like those creepy places.

“Your new best friend can come?” Liam cooed gesturing to Clarissa.

I scowled at that. “Sorry but I’d rather not, and Liam don’t be like that.”

“Joy, come on it sounds fun!” Clarissa exclaimed.

Liam came up to me and whispered in my ear. “A few others are coming, like Jordan and Brad, please come, and to be honest you have been ignoring me all day, come to show you still want me to be your friend.”

What a cheek! Though what could I do? Stick to my guns? Or loose Liam?

“Alright...I will come.” I finally said sighing. Clarissa gave a squeal of excitement and Liam smiled, looking happy.

“Okay, I’ll tell the others to meet by the school gates at six pm sharp, It’ll be a right laugh! It’s not like it’s all real or anything...” Liam said wandering off.

Did I just agree to get a reading from a Gypsy caravan? ... oh hell.

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