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“Oh my God.” She whispered, not breaking the eye contact. The others looked round at me.

I bit my lip and frowned, I tried to look away but found myself staring right back at her. Suddenly she jumped up, the chair crashing behind her.

“Get away GET AWAY!” She screamed backing away to the other side of the caravan, I looked around helplessly. “Stay away from me, stay away from these kids, don’t hurt them.” She continued.

“I-I-am not here to hurt a-anyone I promise.” I stuttered, dumbfounded, I had no idea what to do, I wouldn’t hurt anyone why did Miss Xang think that I did?

“EVIL, EVIL BEING GET AWAY!” Tears started to stream down her eyes, she pulled her bandana off and let her red curls fall down past her eyes. “GO BACK TO WHERE YOU BELONG, please just don’t come near these kids...” She trailed off before grabbing anything she could find and hurling it in my direction, I cursed as I swerved the objects.

She tugged the curtains of the caravan down and shielded herself with it “Get away YOU DON’T BELONG HERE!” She started to scream and yell, I thought maybe I should leave but as I turned round to the door I saw that Liam and his mates had already started to leg it, the way they charged down the steps made the caravan shake a little. Anger started to rise in my throat. Liam just left me? My ears rang from the cries of Miss Xang, I tried to approach her to calm her down, but that made her screams louder.

“It’s okay.” I whispered, tongue felt dry.

I then saw Clarissa on her other side kneeling down and stroking her shoulder gently, Miss Xang rocked back and forth whimpering, her brown eyes were the biggest I had ever seen them, and she was trembling vigorously, she must have gone into a fit.

“What the hell?” Clarissa muttered to herself as I stood there, frozen. Surly people from the other caravans would have heard the racket, I wondered as I peered out the window, few dim lit caravans stood, yet they all seemed oblivious to anything around them.

“We had better go.” I told Clarissa.

“What and just leave her? Like this?” Clarissa replied asked with a shocked tone to her voice.

“What else can we do? She won’t let me near her.” I said, looking around at the state of the place, broken ornaments lay shattered on the floor. Then I looked back at Miss Xang, still rocking back and forth, yet more paced this time. I sighed.  “I swear, I’m not evil...I’m not here to hurt anyone – I- I ...”

“It’s okay.” Clarissa cut in “It’s not your fault, this woman is clearly ill, mental. “

“Yeah.” I mumbled.

“I’ll get help.” Clarissa sighed “ just wait here.”

Clarissa got up, took her phone out from her pocket and went outside, she was acting so sensibly, although I knew she must have been a little shaken up like me. I cautiously took the seat Liam had sat in and waited, the moonlit sky glimmering down on the dark, murky woods.

Emily...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora