Chapter 7

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Armed & Dangerous

Chapter 7

~~~Memory Of Greetings~~~

The sun was high in the sky, offering its warm light to anyone who stood under it. A young, blue haired teenager accepted it's offer. She skipped in the sun light, letting it shower upon her small body figure.

The girl had just left her household so she could start her day at work at the local library. It was a summer job, since the lady was only 14 years old. But she enjoyed it.

While she walked, the girl began to hum a song her deceased mother sang to her as a child. Soon, she arrived at the library. There was a male her age sitting there, reading a book. He's always there, waiting for her to open the library doors so he could go in and spend the day inside the air conditioned building.

She walked past him, smiling as she unlocked the doors. The bluenette walked in first. When she was inside, she turned around to see the big guy was engulfed in his book. He usually checks out books on weapons and combat. It's an unusual choice but it fit his image. He had a lot of piercings and long, black hair.

The girl leaned over and tapped him on the shoulder. He slowly looked over, telling her that his attention was hers now.

"It's open." She smiled, swinging her hands to the door. He never had anything but a serious look on his face. The girl didn't care though. As he walked in, the guy patted her blue head, still absorbed in his book. She felt her face heat up as he passed. She touched the spot where he touched her head before smiling and following him inside.

Three weeks later

The same routine. Girl unlocks library doors, boy passes by and pats her, boy and girl don't talk the whole time he's there. That was until she spoke up one day at work.

"E-Excuse me." She called out from behind the counter. The boy looked up at her in curiosity.

"Hm?" He asked.

"My names Levy. Levy McGarden. We see each other everyday but don't even know our names." Levy smiled at him. She saw a small tug at the side of his lips as he slightly grin.

"That's true. I'm Gajeel. You don't need to know my last name." He introduced. Levy climbed out from behind the counter and went to sit at the table the other young teenager sat at.

She took a seat beside him, peering at his book.

"You always get battle books. Can I ask why?" She asked.

"They're interesting. And helpful, I guess, in combat." He informed her. Levy looked at him, curiously. They ended up talking the day away, growing closer than anyone ever thought they could.

Levy was happy she finally spoke up, and looked forward to the next day.

But the next day was different. When she arrived at the library, her new friend wasn't there to greet her. She opened the library doors alone.

Armed & Dangerous ~Gajevy~Where stories live. Discover now