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Thanks for the reads here goes the next chapter a few days early

Vote and comment if you want chapters sooner

When we got to his car he put my stuff in the trunk and unlocked the doors

"Hop in dude" he says getting in

"Ok" I sit in the passengers seat

A few moments later I was in front of my place

"Oh shit dude you stay here?" Sal asked

Holding out the keys for him to see

"I guess I do....this place is massive"

"You got that right....sorry but got to get going I got lots of paperwork and stuff, probably see you around the island" he says and leaves my luggage on the sidewalk and gets back in his car

I walk in and there's four big rooms two on the first floor and the other two on the second
they each have their own restroom and a thought came to me
I can have my Twitter friends in the UK move in
I send a group message on Twitter

"Han, Hol, Jo
You guys wanna live in the states with me?

Han: Hell yeah

Jo : what about school

Hol: and work

Just start looking for them out here in New York

Han: looking as we speak

Hol: have to wait a few weeks I'm not 18 yet

Jo: well I'm gonna start looking too

Ok cool I have a place already pretty big place too"

I was excited that I got to have my friends move in with me even if I had to wait a few weeks for them to get here

I call my mom
"This place is huge I thought it was an apartment, how could you afford it?"

" I saved everything you gave me since you started working so basically you bought it" she says

"Wow, and it's paid in full so I just have to pay bills?"

"Yeah pretty much"

"Cool I'm gonna choose my bed room so I'll call you later"

when I saw one of the rooms downstairs I knew it had to be mine

It had it's own entrance and everything just one window but I could get a black curtain for that

I saw that all the rooms had their own beds and everything
I laid on my bed and dozed off

a few hours later I woke up hungry so I looked up for a place near me that I could go get something to eat and at the same time explore a bit

I found a coffee shop, Chinese food take out place, then I found the market
I got some things to eat for the week
On the way back home I had my ear buds in as I walked

I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped, when I turned around taking out a bud I see Sal

"I thought it was you, hey you wanna come to the bar with me and my friends?"

Holding up my food
"Sure but I have to take my food home first" I say

"Ok cool, we'll take you and then we can go" he says pointing at his car

I look over and I see three guys I wave and they wave back awkwardly

"Ok sure, let's go" I say walking back to his car

I sit in the back with Joseph and James I think were their names it's quiet the whole ride to my place

We get to my place and I put my stuff on the counter, I go put on my L.A. hat and make sure I have my fake ID, it's actually a really well made one since my mom has a "friend" that works there, and I go back to the car and sit in the back again

"Did you put your stuff away so it won't go bad?" Sal asks

"Nah it's cool my place is ice cold I don't like it hot all that much" I say

He shrugs and heads to a bar Full Cup is on the outside

"Cool, first bar in New York that I've been to" I say in general

"Oh yeah you just moved here today, well first round is on me"
Sal says getting up heading in back of the bar
I look at him stunned while he got some beers, a soda and a few shots

"Oh don't worry I'm part owner" he says reassuringly to me when he got back to the table

"Oh ok" guess I didn't need my fake ID after all I think to myself

"Oh here Joe I got you soda instead" Sal hands him a big glass

"Awesome thanks"

"To new friends and new beginnings" James says
as we toast

"It is you from the airport, I wasn't sure at first" Brian says after slamming down the first shot

"Oh shit, I didn't even notice that it was you, my bad" I say with a small laugh

"It's all good, no worries" he says taking another shot

I took off my hood and only had my hat on with my longer hair tucked in only showing the short almost buzz cut bottom half of my hair
We just kept drinking I bought a few rounds and we got to talking about hobbies and the like

"We do comedy sketches and then post them on MySpace mostly....sometimes on YouTube" Joseph says

"You should look us up...The Tenderloins is the name we go by" says James

"Ok cool....I don't do anything awesome like you guys just into comics and weird movies" I say taking a shot

I see Brian perk up when I said it and we just start talking about random things from comics and movies for the rest of the night

When it was time for the bar to close Sal took it upon himself to make sure we all got a taxi home
Joe, he said to call him that, and Murr, same for him, took one together since they're roommates
I was the last one to get taken home since I had to wait for Sal to sober up enough to drive since I lived near him we headed to his car to help him with Brian

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