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Well this really sucks
I think I'm losing this shit

I can't get anyone to sign I just toss the pen and clip board but then I saw Chris with E and I didn't want them to see me lose

The next location was Costco Sal lost so I'm still good

After we did white castle we went to the dog park for another challenge then when we got Sal to go first we just made it his punishment he was really pissed

I got home and Chris was making dinner

"I'm home" I say popping my head into the kitchen

"Oh cool, you can feed E while I finish up" she says with her back turned

I shrug and go feed E and I put him back in his crib after burping him

I went to help Chris with the food

"Wow, this is a lot of food" I say picking at it

"Well I made enough for all of us" she says with a smile

"I love you Chris" I tell her while I look over to her

She kisses me on the cheek
"I love you too Brian"

When everyone got there we talked about the first day of shooting and how much longer it's going to take for it to hit the air

"We have to film a bit more then edit then see if the network will air it as is or if we have to fix anything" Joe says with his mouth full

We just did the same thing week in and week out until the season was finished
It took a while to get it on air the way they wanted it

Premiere of the show

"Hurry it's starting!!!" Joe yelled

We all gathered at Sal's place like we used to the only difference was Chris holding E and making him laugh

Once the show was over we all had dinner at the pizza shop

"What did you guys think of the show?" I asked the girls

They just said the same stuff that it was funny and they can't wait till the next episode

When we finished dinner we went home and just fell asleep

In the morning the guys where trying to wake me up to tell me something important

"Will you guys shut the fuck up and just knock on the door instead of yelling on the other side" I yelled

I let Chris sleep and stepped out to check on E, the girls had fed him already

"Thanks....so what the hell did you guys wanna tell me"I say looking at the guys while I made some food

Joe gets pushed towards me and starts to say something that I didn't understand

"Slow down and start over" I say putting my hand up

"While I was at the network the producers said that we need to get ready for the tour we're having to promote the show"

I look over at E and the door to the room
"How long is it gonna be?" I sit at the table with some of the food

Joe starts to get near the food still in the pan
"That's for Christal, if you take it you better make her something" I point my knife at him

"I'll just take her out to eat" Joe says with his mouth full

We talked about it for a while and I just kept asking questions

"OK, so we're going to be gone for 6 weeks, but if I ask right now Chris and the baby can come with me?" I asked Joe

He just nods his head

Later that day

"OK, so for sure I can take my wife and son with me on the tour?" I ask the guy in charge of the tour

"Yeah, she'll have VIP passes to every show and will be able to stay in the room with you" he tells me

We have it in writing and shake on it

On the way back I meet up with Chris at the park to let her know what's going on and what's gonna happen

"So it's a working vacation in a way?" She says burping E

"Yeah, I made sure you'll have tickets to every show and will be able to sight see with us" I say with a smile

"OK, and we don't have to leave E anywhere?" She asks worried

"Nope, he's gonna be with us the whole way, he'll have to be in his car seat the whole time we're on the tour bus" I say sternly

She smiles and gives me a kiss
I take E from her and we head home

We'd be leaving tomorrow and we got everything ready for E before we got our stuff packed

"I didn't pack a lot of diapers so we can take him more clothes" Chris comments to me

I just nod and shut his luggage
Then we head to our room and get our stuff ready

"Babe, just pack your underwear, pants, and socks we can share my shirts and sweaters" I tell her since I know that she likes wearing them

When we finished packing the guys came over and had their stuff with them

"They're gonna be sleeping here tonight so they don't have to make so many trips getting us" Sal says then just leaves

"You guys are in the living room unless you sleep in the room with E, you would have to get up and feed him when he needs it" Chris tells them

Joe ended up in the room with E and Murr was on the couch

"WAKE UP!!!" Joe yells in Murray's ear

"What the hell is wrong with you!!!" He yells back

"Finally your ass gets up, we've been waiting for like 30min for you to get up, Now get your ass on the bus we have to hit the road soon" I say getting E some toys from his room

We all get on the bus and we won't know what's gonna happen

A Second Chance At LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant