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POV Christal

Jo, Han, and Hol got in a few days early so I hurried to go and get them at the airport after class,
I took my car so they didn't have to deal with the subway and ferry and they could rest while I drove back

"Guys we're here.... Go pick a room" they went their ways and picked their rooms
They had major jet lag so I let them rest

In my room I finished making it dark as I possibly could and took a hot relaxing shower I thought of Brian a lot and wondered if it was ok to be dating him

I got out the shower and fell asleep in towel and that's the reason why I wanted it dark as possible

In the morning I went to my one class and on the way home I texted Brian to have a good day since he was going to be in the fire station

I get home and yell in to the house

"do any touch ups while I change so we can go to the mall"

"Why are we going there?" Han asked me coming out of her room

"Cuz I need to get a hair cut it's starting to get longer and it's annoying me" I say while heading to my room

"Oh ok" she says with a shrug

Since they have their own rooms they got ready in record time and we headed to the Staten island mall

We looked at the stores till it was time for my appointment to get my hair cut I was going to meet them in the food court afterwards

For some reason I thought I kept seeing Brian walking around but he didn't know what mall I was at when I said I was out with my friends so I didn't try to see if it was really him

"You still have the same haircut?" Han asked when I got back to them at the food court

"Yeah, I liked it and I could tuck my hair in my hats easier"

"So people can also think you're a dude like always" Jo says with a chuckle I glare at her then flip her off

"Whatever, for your information I already have a boyfriend and we're gonna be going out to meet him and his friends at the bar this weekend" I say with a smile

"But we're-" hol tried to say something about our ages

"We're gonna talk about this more at home" I say cutting her off

After we finished lunch at the mall we got back and I showered to get all the little hairs off my neck

When I got out the shower I had a text from Brian

Hey, how was your day?

Fine we hung out at the SI mall and came back gonna make some dinner in a bit

Cool me and the guys are at the full cup just having a drink I'm about to head to the fire station it's my night to stay

Ok I'm gonna get ready to make dinner let me know when you get there safe

Ok ttyl

I left my phone to charge and went to help make dinner
We talked about the trip and other stuff

"So about us meeting his friends how's that gonna work?" Jo asks

"I had some good fake IDs made for you guys so if we ever have to get carded" I say looking at them all

"About the guys, they don't know my age so just say we're in our 20's if they ask about our ages" I say with a pleading tone

They all nod and we finish eating and just watch t.v. till we all head to our rooms
Checking my phone I seen that Brian got to the station I just said goodnight and went to bed

In the morning I was running late so I showered and skipped breakfast I left them a note with a spare key in case they wanted to go out and that I would be back later

The day went by fast and when I got home the girls were waiting to do something

"Ok let's go into the city and walk around?" I say putting my book bag down near the door so I could take off my shoes

They all agreed and I went to change
When I got ready we all hopped in the car and I parked near the ferry

"We can take this to the city and walk around and since this is 24hrs we can stay out late"
I tell them getting out the car and walking to the ferry

We walked everywhere, went to dinner, saw a movie and headed back to the ferry everyone was tired they rested a bit in the car
I could only think about Brian on the way home

"Tomorrow we get to go out and drink when we meet the guys" I say in general

They just groan with excitement in response and I laugh at them

"We're here, we can go shop for clothes in the morning so rest up" I say excitedly

We all just went to our rooms
I showered and laid on my bed in a towel then I got a text from Brian

Hey, how was your day?

It was cool after class we went to the city and we got back a while ago

That's cool, I'm at Sal's just hanging out with the guys

Meet me on the swing in 10 minutes just let me put clothes on just got out the shower

Ha ha ha Ok I'll see you in a few

I hurried to get some pants on and a hoodie since my hair was still a bit wet I was going to wait for him on the porch but I kinda dozed off waiting in my room
Then I get a text from him saying he's outside and I go out the side door

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