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Pov Brian

We went in separate cars the girls in one and us guys in another

"I bet they're gonna be talking about girl stuff" Murr said

"Yeah, how the hell did you get her knocked up?" Sal asks

"Well when a man puts his penis in the woman's vagi-" I start to say

"I know about sex you asshole, I meant how did you not use a condom?" He yells
We all laugh at him

I thought about it and I remembered

"Oh fuck, it was my fault cuz I didn't wrap my junk the time at the pool party we had....or the time we went out to drink I was the one that messed up her life" I try not to cry but it's no use

"Hey buddy I'm sure that Chris doesn't feel that way she loves you and I bet she loves you even more now that you actually went to get her" Joe tries to calm me down but it's no use

When we got to the buffet everyone gets out but I can't stop thinking about Chris and how I messed up her life

Someone opens the door and slaps me
"What the hell don't ever think that you messed up my life you made it better I love you so fucken much that I thought if I stayed I would mess up your life"

I look up holding my cheek
"Now get your ass up"
She hugs me and whispers
"I'm sorry for slapping you but you took too long to open the door....don't ever think you messed up anything"

I look at her and smile
"Sorry, I guess I'm the hormonal one during this pregnancy"

"No shit, now lets hurry I'm starving" we start walking into the place when Joe yells

We walk over to the table with everyone
"Oh damn, I'm gonna get something to eat" chris says heading to the food

"Why is your cheek red?" Murr asked when I turned to look at Chris

"Oh, she slapped me cuz I was really out of it" I say while rubbing my cheek

"Damn she actually did it, I was just playing for her to slap you out of it" Joe laughs

"It's fine you know he likes it" Sal says trying not to laugh but then falls over laughing like always looking like a retarded seal

"Whatever" I say walking away

I see that Chris has two plates full I go to help her but Sal beats me to it
Joe gives up his chair and Murr gets her a drink

I just stare at them
"We have your back buddy just get your food" Joe yells at me

I smile and just nod

"We have to set everything up for the baby, when will you know what you're gonna have? Hol said

"Oh, we know already but we won't tell you guys" chris says laughing

"And why not?" They all say

"Because just make the room something me and Brian would like for either gender" she says stuffing her face

They all yell

Then we all laugh

After eating we all head home I switched with Han so I'm in the back with Chris

"So you guys are really not gonna tells us what you're having?" Jo asks from the drivers side

"Ok if it's gonna stop you from asking me....." Chris leans forward and whispers
She laughs and they groan

"But really we're not gonna say"
She says scooting back

"Well if it's a girl name her Harley" Hol says and chuckled

"That was awesomely lame" I say Chris just shakes her head laughingly

We got to the house and we went into our room

I lay down on the bed in just my boxers I see Chris getting her stuff ready to shower
I follow her and when I got to the door she stopped me

"Please don't come in, I'm too embarrassed about my body right now" she looks down and away

I lift her chin and look into her eyes

"I don't care what you look like, you're having our child and I want to show you how much I love you now go sit down and let me get our bath ready"

She walks over to a little bench on the other side of the room

"Here take those off and put this on while I get everything ready" handing her a fluffy robe

While checking the water temp I can see Chris taking off her clothes with her back to me I don't bother her I just stare
there's someone that loves me so much that she's willing to have a child with me

"Ok the bath is ready, let me help you in ok?" I say taking off my boxers and stepping in

I take her hand and make sure she doesn't slip

"I've always wanted to have a Japanese style bathroom, but never been able to get the right stuff for it" Chris comments while slowly sitting down

"Well the girl my brother is dating could probably help us" I tell her while I slowly wet her back

She's really quiet and tense
"You know I love you so why do you tense up when you need to relax?"

"It's just that I'm trying to control myself but this is making it a bit difficult" she says fondling my junk

I perk up and she won't stop groping me

"If you keep doing that I'm gonna do something to you" I lift her head back and start to nibble from her neck to her shoulder

My hands start to move to her breasts on their own she starts to moan she lets go of my junk so I lift her up a bit on to my lap to insert myself a bit better she moans and starts to move her hips we both end up moaning in the tub and don't finish till the water gets cold

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