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Leahs POV

"If you really love me you will let me." Niall said, slowly kissing me down my stomach. "B-but Niall." I said, running my hands through his hair. He looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his. "Yes?" He said and started kissing my neck. "Mmmmmm" I moaned accidentally. "You see, you want me." He said, smiling against my skin. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed his lips roughly. "Mmmmm" he moaned. "You see, you want me." I said, grinning. He smirked and grabbed my butt. My hands made there way up his shirt, which let me tell ya, he had the abs. He laid me on my bed, and took of my clothes same with his. "Are you ready, princess?" He said, generously. "I....yes." I said, about to loose what I thought I was going to save till marriage.

"Leah!!!" Someone yelled, waking me up from my dream. Wait. That was a dream..? I looked around and saw Kendall looking on at her phone. "What?" I said rubbing my eyes. "Get ready, were meeting the boys at the ice cream shopp." She said smiling. "Kaden?" I asked, she nodded. After we got ready we walked to 'Frozen Froggs' the best ice cream shopp in the world.

Once we walked inside I saw Niall, Mekenna, Kaden, and his friends all at a table.. I thought Kaden and Niall hated each other. We sat down, Kendall extremely close with Kaden and me with this kid Liam. "Hello, I'm Liam, this is Harry, Louis, and Zayn." Liam said, "and were Nialls band called One Direction." The curly haired one said. He seemed cheeky. "Ooii British boys. Horan, since when were you friends with Kaden and since when where you in a band!!?" I asked the blond. "Well maybe if since your not his girlfriend you wouldn't know." Mekenna said. "I just never found the need to." Niall said ignoring his girlfriends remark. "We got you ice creams." Kaden said handing me and Kendall a ice cream. "Thanks." I said, same with Kendall.

Why didn't Niall tell me?? He told me to tell no one to sing?? It would ruin him?! He looked pretty happy with his 'band'. He just looked at me.. Then kissed his girlfriend. "I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back." I said, getting out of the booth. Harry Left too.I felt the tears threatening to pour out. keep it together Leah. Your stronger than this!! No I'm not.. What am I thinking.. I walked to the bathroom but then two strong muscular arms grabbed ahold of me. "Leah, your beautiful. Don't let it get to you." A husky British accent said, hugging me. Even I only knew his name.. Harry I think..? I felt safe with him. I hugged him back, and we just stood there.. In the middle of a ice cream shopp.. Hugging.. Then we both looked at each other and before you know it.. Kissed. "What the fuck is happening here??!" We both heard an Irish accent ask. I looked and Niall was standing there with his hands in a fist, jaw clenched, and eyes darker than usual. "Niall, mate... I was just talking to Leah." Harry said, pushing away from me. "So shoving your tongue down my friends throat is talking to you, Harry?!" Niall shouted.. I'm his friend?? "Niall I don't think you should care. You have a girlfriend." Harry said, walking up to Niall.

This is going to go well...

Me and The Frat Boy. (NIALL HORAN FANFIC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon