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Nialls POV

I signed onto my twitter seeing the usual things. 'Marry Me Niall.' 'Your Ugly' 'Your Concert was amazing' Blah Blah Blah.

Its not that I dont love my fans, its just I want to see something different, ya know? I sighed and sat my phone down on the coffee table.

"NIALL, WHERE ARE THE PAPERS?" Liam shouted. Papers? What?

"Lad, what de hell are ye talkin about?" I said, standing up, and brushing my shirt off.

"The papers Simon told us NOT to loose? Remember those?" He shouted, I walked away and went into my hotel room. Alone.

I really miss the normal life.. Not being yelled at by the boys (Hii guys so Im not trying to make Liam or any of the boys sound mean, im most positive there the sweetest boys ever! xXx) or being bombarded by cameras and fans. I miss people. I miss my family, friends and Leah.

I havent went one day without thinking of her.. I think I should call her, but she would be like 'You broke my promise Niall!" well, it seems like i mess up alot of things.. Sorry I cant be perfect, everyone..

Harrys POV


I pulled away from Delilah's lips, smiling. She ran her hands through my hair, causing chills to run down my spine,

"Oh my god." I mumbled against her neck and ran my fingers down her long light brown hair. She smiled and kissed me hard. Oh damn, shes in control now. She pushed me on the bed of the hotel room I shared with Louis, of course he wasnt here. Obvi...

She stratled herself around my waist and kissed me. I ran my hand up her shirt, tugging at her bra strap, trying my best to unhook it with one hand, but she pulled away and looked at me.

"Harry, baby" She said, looking at me. I looked up at her wondeing what she was talking about.

"Do you love me?" she said. I swear i choaked on air.

"Do I what?"I said, and she repeated herself. Do I Love Her?? What if I say no? She would never talk to me again, and she may not let me and her .... ya know.. But hey, Im a 20 year old boy, I have my needs!!

"Of coarse I love you, Delilah." I said, rethinking of what I just said.



'All I am is a man

I want the world in my hands

I hate the beach

But I stand in California

With my toes in the sand'

I stopped singing as I walked passed Kendall.

"Are you ready yet?" She said, looking at me. I looked at myself in the body mirror. I was wearing black high waisted shorts, a maroon Neff beanie, maroon vans, and a white 'keepin it real' muscle tee.

"LETS GOO BISH." I said, running out of my house and getting in the car. As you can tell im very excited. I mean, me and Niall are gonna meet, but he doesnt know that. Oh well, hopefully he will remember me.

After a long trip to the arena, there was already a long line to the entrance. Greaaaat.

"Come on, lee." Kendall said, grabbing my hand and walking past all the people. I looked behind us and all the fans in the line gave us dirty looks.

"Kendall, were cutting? Were gonna get kicked out!" I said pulling back. She laughed and pulled me with her.

"No? We got VIP. We go in before them." She said. Oh. Logic. "Now out this on." She said hanging me a lanyard with my photo, name and seat.

Once we walked in, there was not a lot of people in here. But they were all outside. I heard a laugh that you can't forget. I turned around and saw a girl, strung over a boy. I almost thought I heard my cousin Delilah. Why would she be here though? She's in London going to collage.

"Oh Leah, look!" Kendall yelled to me. I walked over to her and saw where we were sitting... Center stage... Upfront. OH. MY. GOSH.

I jumped up and down excitedly, because like? Who wouldn't be? We walked around, and then soon made our way to our seats, because the concert was starting soon.

The boys came out singing Midnight Memories, and it was perfect. Me ad Kendall put our hands up, dancing to the music. I felt a hand grab mine, and I looked up, and saw Harry. I smiled, and he said quietly 'Leah?' I laughed and nodded.

He ran over to Louis, while Niall was singing his solo, and whispered something in his ear and pointed out me and Kendall.

"Aren't they amazing?!" Kendall shouted over the music. I nodded and danced and sang along to the next song.

Then the song Something Great started singing, and me and Kendall, being the weird people we are, sang it to eachother.

'I want you here with me

Like how I pictured it

So I don't have to keep imagining'

We sang to each other laughing. Once the music stopped, the boys were talking about how great of fans we were or something. I was to busy looking at Niall. That sounds creepy, but if you were me you would understand.

His party's in high school, his pervertedness, his voice, his charm. Ugh... He's always gonna be my frat boy.

Me and The Frat Boy. (NIALL HORAN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now