1. New Hair and New Beginnings

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(A/N: Here it is: the sequel to Touchdown Boy! This is dedicated to Maylaship, caits156, wrecklesswonder, and everyone else that asked for a sequel.

I promised myself I would never use "Always" as a title since I feel like it's so overused. So instead I combined it with another overused song title, "I'd Do Anything," from a different band altogether. Ah, loopholes.

One last thing. This story has no accuracy whatsoever in terms of the timeline of blink's start as a band. I think that's pretty obvious since Touchdown Boy took place in 2015, but I just wanted to make that clear. I never planned on writing a sequel, so I never thought I would have to deal with blink being a band in a different time period, but here we are.

And without further ado, here's the actual chapter. Don't hate me. (Most of) you asked for this.)


Addison sighed and shifted her backpack before knocking on the door in front of her. She prayed that Alice was home so she wouldn't have to deal with her dad's girlfriend, Isobel, right away. Or maybe her dad would be home. It was a Saturday, which used to mean he would be at the office, but for all Addison knew that just meant he had been with Isobel.

            The door opened and Addison forced a smile when she saw Isobel.

            "Addison! You're here!" Isobel greeted. "We're so glad to have you for the summer."

            "Thanks," Addison grimaced. She would much rather be staying in her own house, sleeping in her own bed, but her mom was out of town, on a cruise with her new boyfriend. Addison didn't understand why that meant she had to stay with her dad, but her mom had insisted it would be a good bonding experience.

            "Come on in," Isobel waved her hand in what Addison assumed was supposed to be a welcoming gesture.

Addison gripped her suitcase handle and stepped into the house. She's been here before a few times to visit her dad during the holidays, but she's never stayed over. She wasn't particularly looking forward to it either.

"You and Alice will be sharing a room," Isobel informed, leading Addison into the house. "Unless you'd rather sleep on the couch." Isobel laughed and Addison forced a chuckle, not finding the offer humorous at all.

Isobel stopped in front of two doors on opposite sides of the hallway. Addison could hear a guitar and singing coming through one of the doors. She figured it must be Alex, Isobel's son, who also happened to be one of her friends from high school. That had been quite a surprise when Addison had finally met Isobel and her family.

Addison wasn't too fond of Isobel; she held a grudge against the woman for being the reason behind her parents' divorce. But Addison liked Alex, so she tried to keep her opinions to herself.

Isobel opened the other door, revealing where Addison would be staying. The room was small, the claustrophobic feeling enhanced by the amount of furniture crammed into the room. Two twin sized beds were set up in the room, along with a dresser and multiple bookshelves. The closet took up an entire wall, which Addison supposed was a good thing since she would be forced to share it with Alice.

"Well, I'll let you unpack. I'll be in the study if you need me," Isobel smiled before leaving Addison in the doorway.

Addison sighed and dragged her suitcase into the room. She closed the door behind her and walked over to the bed that didn't have Alice's teddy bear sitting on top of it. Addison took off her backpack and set it on the bed. With a lot of effort, she lifted her suitcase onto the bed. She unzipped the bag and started to unpack, suddenly glad that most of the stuff from her dorm room was in a storage unit back in California. 

I'd Always Do Anything (Sequel to Touchdown Boy)Where stories live. Discover now