Steve - Not So Innocent

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Summary: You have a thing for the Captain. 

Word count: 2.9k

Warnings: Pure, filthy smut. 

Steve was your best friend, and let's admit it your past was a tragic one. Your parents died in a plane crash (thanks to the Hydra pilot), they worked in the science division so naturally, they were a threat to Hydra and they needed to eliminate the threat. However the moment you turned 18 you begged Fury to let you train to become an agent. Since he had taken you under his wing and promised you would be safe thanks to your parent's gratitude to SHIELD. Since then you were trained by a few different agents and that's all you did, so naturally, you became one of the best. Fury gave you a challenge. The Avengers, it's what they called themselves, a group kind of thing, you know saving the world and all that jazz. Natasha Romanoff however, was not just an agent, oh no, she was the Black Widow. She was your challenge and you trained with her every moment you got, working your way up to gaining a spot on the Avengers (since they're apparently accepting anyone these days?) Steve was the only one you trusted your past with. That caring, honest, notable side of his. It was only natural you trusted the man trusted to take down Hitler right? So why on the fucking Earth do you try to avoid him? There are a few reasons, One: He's hot. Two: You have this alternate personality where all you think about is the nasty and unmentionable things he could do to you. Or Three: He was a bloody sarcastic bitch and that turned you on even more. (Do you get how every reason is connected?)

You always felt guilty when your "alternate personality" took over yet you couldn't stop it. No matter how bad you scolded yourself nothing worked. If anything they only got worse. Now Natasha was the one on the team who knew everyone's business before they even knew about it, so when you came to her to talk about it she just sat there with a smug look on her face, as if saying 'It's about damn time. So when you woke up shaking and panting you immediately went to the bathroom for a cold shower out of habit, it was that bad. After you finally cooled down you slammed your fists on the sink and let out a mild scream. You wish all of this would just go away. You were going mentally insane when you couldn't even look at Steve without thinking of his hands touching every inch of- STOP NO! THIS NEEDS TO STOP! You take deep breaths to calm down before changing into black, ripped jeans and a red, sleeveless blouse.

What you didn't know was the feeling was mutual. 

As much as you avoided looking at Steve, he couldn't take his eyes off of you in his presence. His mouth went dry and his eyes went dark. Heat poured south and he lost all thought of existence. But instead of taking this out on his bathroom sink, he took it out on the bag in the gym. He spent most of his time down there these days so he didn't really notice you failing to ignore him. But whenever you two were around each other he wouldn't stop staring. Oh god your lips, so round and looked soft, he wanted to taste them and see if they were as soft as they looked. Your curves were beautiful and fit you perfectly he loved everything about you. He could stare at you for years and he wanted nothing more than to do just that. You were his muse for many of his recent drawings, but they were only from memory, and he did all he could to memorize every detail about you that he could see. 


It had been a long day, you walked past the gym only to see Steve shirtless taking all his emotions out on the bag again you paused only for a moment and gulped, but that was enough time for him to look up, you turned away continuing to your destination pleading yourself to not need another ice-cold shower, and when you left Steve went at the bag again feeling heat heading to places he didn't want and with the first punch the bag flew off and Steve yelled, frustrated at his uncontrollable emotions.

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