Preferences - You're Scared to Tell Them You're Pregnant

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Word count: 1.1k

Warnings: Just fluff.


That pink plus was on the pregnancy stick. You sank to the floor tears pouring out of your eyes. You've only been married for a month and you knew Tony was in no position for a child. You decided to go see the doctor for the ultimate conclusion and again you walked out positive that you were having a kid with Tony Stark. You walked into the tower setting everything on the counter and collapsed on the couch. "Jarvis, how do I do this?" You asked aloud. "My suggestion is when you have life-changing news you should tell Mr. Stark sooner rather than later." He said. "Yeah I know that but how do I tell him." "The truth." You nod and drag yourself off the couch, grabbing the picture of your ultrasound, and shuffled to the lab. "J stop the music please." You croaked out. When AC/DC stopped Tony looked up and smiled. "Hey sweetheart, what's wrong?" He became worried seeing you're eyes pink and puffy suggesting you were crying. You threw the file on the counter in front of him and watched him open it. You were visibly shaking. Tony saw the picture and read the report glancing at you every now and then. "You-you're pregnant?" "Yeah." Tears started to flow again and you let out a shuddered breath and Tony wrapped you in his arms to comfort you. "Shhh, it's okay! I wasn't expecting this but we'll make it work okay? How much time do we get? Like 9 months? That's plenty of time to prepare for a baby." "Eight." You said looking at him, "the doctor said I'm a month into it." Tony nodded and kissed you. "Okay." He smiled holding you close.


You woke up running to the bathroom for the third morning in a row. Luckily Steve was always out for a run so he didn't make you see a doctor right then and there but after you got dizzy sitting in front of the toilet you decided it was time to see the doctor. And when she asked if you were sexually active realization hit you. "Oh, shit am I pregnant?" You asked. "We'll take an ultrasound to be certain but right now that's my diagnosis." You sit there shocked and got a call from Steve. "Hey, hun where are you?" "Oh uh, I stopped to grab a few things I'll be home soon." You lied. Almost an hour later you walked in the front door. "Hey I was worried for a moment something happened." Steve joked then saw your face. You were still shocked by the news and you knew Steve always wanted a family so you were happy you were starting one with the man you loved you just hadn't exactly come out of your daze yet. "Y/n?" He asked. "I'm pregnant." You whispered and it came out in more of a question rather than a statement. "What?" Steve asked in disbelief. "I'm- I'm pregnant!" You said more excited, smiling at Steve. He soon broke out into a smile and picked you up to twirl you around. "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy!" He laughed. "Easy there Captain." You laughed when he sat you down. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't hurt you did I? Do you need anything? I can-" "whoa whoa whoa easy there Stevie. This has only begun don't be jumping at my every need just yet." You laughed and went to the kitchen to make lunch.


Clint had always wanted a family, the simple life. And you two had been trying for a kid for soooo long that when you saw the plus on the pregnancy test you screamed. Not the horrified scream you do when you're scared or startled but the kind you scream when you find out your favorite actor is in town. At that, Clint came rushing to your side within seconds blasting through the bathroom door. "What happened?" "Really? I could have been going to the bathroom and you just blast in here?"
"Come on it's nothing I haven't seen." He whines. You laugh and hand him the positive test. His eyes bulge out of his head. "This is positive right? You're pregnant? This isn't a joke?" Clint asks. You shake your head. "We'll have to get confirmation from the doctor but as of right now that stick means I'm pregnant." You tell him. "Oh my god!" He picks you up crying tears of joy. "I love you so much (y/n)!" You laughed back and he sat you down. "Uh, Clint?" "Yeah?" You pointed to the door hinge. "We need a new door." The hinge was broken and part of the bathroom door was bent. "Ugh, it'll give me something to do..."


You two have been married for three months and he was finally confident in his arm. Thanks to you. You two weren't exactly trying for a kid but you weren't opposed to it either. You woke up one morning and threw up in the trash can next to your bed. Bucky rolled over and held your hair back. You groaned and brushed your teeth before joining him back in bed. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked when you cuddled into the side of him with his metal arm wrapped around you. But when he said that a wave of dizziness came over you. "Ughhhhh." You closed your eyes and buried your face into his chest. "I'll take that as a no. Are you in any pain or discomfort?" He sat up now sort of concerned. "A little bit." And you pointed to your lower abdomen. "I think we should see a doctor about this," Bucky suggested and you were too tired to argue. When the doctor came back with the result of your blood test he confirmed you were pregnant and printed the picture from your ultrasound. You looked at Bucky slightly worried about what he would think but his eyes were filled with tears and he pulled you close to him, kissing you hard.


You woke up feeling like shit. Pietro kept you in bed all day assuming you had some sort of bug. You were dizzy and had slight pain in your abdomen. You groaned at the pain and headaches. Pietro stayed with you all day. It was when you got up to use the bathroom when you got so dizzy you couldn't walk. Pietro caught you and ran you to the hospital. When the doctor came back positive you both were shocked and laughed with each other in the news you were having a child together. "Please don't run me back home!" You pleaded still feeling sick. He laughed and kissed you. "Whatever you wish my darling."

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