Peter - Secrets

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Summary: Peter is your best friend until you find out who he really is. 

Word count: 2.6k

Warnings: Fluffy. 

"What do you wanna do?" Peter asked you. 

The two of you lie next to each other on your apartment complex roof looking at the sky and the stars that barely revealed themselves past the bright city lights. 

"I don't know maybe we could watch another bad film together?" You laughed remembering the last time you two went to the movies it was so bad that the both of you fell asleep and were woken up by the ushers when they had to sweep the trash off the floor. 

"No thanks." Peter yawned.

"Maybe I should just head home, it's getting pretty late." You said starting to get up. 

"No, it's getting dark and creepos are out at night and I don't wanna worry about my best friend getting kidnapped in a dark alley," Peter argued. "You can stay the night."

"Nah, my parents will be worried they just got home from their business trip I'll be fine Peter." You went down the stairs and into Peter's room grabbing your coat and bag. Peter following close behind. 

"But what about the dark allies?" Peter asked, smirking.

"I'll steer clear of dark allies Peter okay?" You gave him a hug before walking to the front door keeping your phone in your hand just in case. 

"Text me when you get home alright?"

"I always do." You smiled and left, Peter closed the door behind you. 

As promised you steered clear of dark allies and creepos with only one person making a nasty remark towards you as you passed them. You finally made it back home and took the elevator up to the main room where you knew your parents probably were waiting. 

"(Y/N)! you're home!" Clint walked towards you and gave you a big hug. 

"Hey, dad." You said hugging back. Your mom had her back to you then turned around placing a plate of food on the counter. 

"Come eat!" Natasha ordered. You did as you were told, set your bag on the floor, and sat on the stool eating your sandwich. Clint sat next to you where Nat stayed behind the counter fixing another sandwich for Clint. 

"How was the mission?" You asked them.

"Same as always, kicking ass, taking names. How was your day?" Natasha asked. 

"Good I spent the day with Peter." You said before devouring your sandwich. 

"You seem to be spending an awful amount of time with that kid," Clint said. 


"What? I'm just making a comment."

"Have you told him who we are or what we do?" Natasha asked.

"No, I just don't want him to think of me differently or to lose him as a friend. He's pretty smart, if I showed him around here I might lose him to uncle Tony or Bruce." You joked. 


That night you were ready for bed but just didn't quite feel like sleeping yet. So here you stood facing your wall which was just a pure window where you could see out but no one could see in. You stared at the city beneath you, all the glimmering lights, across the street you could see families being put to bed, girls going to clubs, and to the distance red and blue lights caught your attention. There were cop cars speeding down your street and as you followed their direction you could see the Spider-Man swing from building to building following them. You stared in admiration for the man who had saved so many lives without his identity being noticed yet. 

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