Bucky - Superpower

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Summary: You're the hero whisperer. 

Word count: 774

Warnings: Short and simple fluff. 

You had a superpower on the team. You didn't fight you were more of a counselor. The team called you serene. No matter the pain, agony, or pressure the team was feeling you helped them calm and keep them in a clear state of mind. They would always come to you after a nightmare. You didn't really understand how you came of your power and if you're being honest with yourself you didn't even really want to know.

So when Bucky was found, you knew you had a new project. Between his nightmares and flashbacks and battling with who he was, you knew he was your new focus and you spent as much time as you could with him. And he was making progress. You remember the first day you were introduced to him. He was always monitored 24/7 so everyone would be aware in case he tried anything.

You entered the room you two would always talk in and sat across from the man. "My name is Blake Smither I'm here to talk to you about whatever you wanna talk about, and if I had chosen my last name it wouldn't be "Smit-her". You joked to lighten the mood. You knew meeting new people was difficult and it only seemed to get harder the older people got. "To start off do you want me to call you James? Bucky? Both at the same time?" You smirk and this makes him smile and laugh silently before finally looking up at you. "I don't really care just as long as you don't call me late to dinner." This cracks you up. "Okay then." You smile. "I know when you first meet people it's difficult and can be awkward so I hope you don't mind if I start off by telling you a few things about myself." Bucky nods. "I was born in Chicago. My mother died when I was born and my father died of cancer when I was fourteen. I have an older brother named Eli and he and I moved to New York with our aunt. I started out as a therapist then somehow wound up in this joint talking to superheroes when they're down. Now I don't call myself an optimist because I'm not all happy and giddy, I like to face the truth but I certainly am not a pessimist because if I were I probably wouldn't be here. So whatever happens between you and me, I want you to always be honest." Bucky nods. "So, what's your story?" Bucky turns to you shocked. "Relax, just tell me what you know..." And he did. Told you what he knew about his life before the war, hydra, and the winter soldier. He talked about his insecurities and you made a mental note about everything.


"What? Oh sorry, could you repeat that?"

"I asked how Bucky was improving," Steve repeated.

"Uhmm he ah- we're able to talk and trust each other more and he seems to be improving. Sorry, there's not much more I can tell you." You answer. Steve nods and you look forward to your next meeting with Bucky ready to tackle another one of his insecurities.

*Next Meeting*

"When can I get out of here?" That was the first thing Bucky asked you, it was more of a statement than a question but nevertheless, it still caught you off guard. 

"I mean I understand that I'm still a huge threat to society and everyone out there has mixed feelings about me but you said so yourself, my mental health is improving and how am I supposed to get any better if I'm bound to this tower for the rest of my life?" He argued. You sat back in your chair, arms and legs crossed, eyeing him up and down before speaking. 

"And if you were able to leave the building what exactly would you do?" You raised an eyebrow admiring his confidence. 

"Well it's completely up to you but I'd like to take you out to dinner if that's alright?"

"Well, you'd be happy to know I've been fighting Fury for the past two weeks to let you get some fresh air and catch up on things and he finally caved. So, you know where to find me, pick me up at seven and nothing too fancy, I like casual." You grabbed your file folder and left the room like a boss doing your best to hide your blushing, leaving a smirking Bucky behind and pleased that he found some part of his old self back. 

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